Fork 0

refactor the tokenswillprintandlex utility function

This commit is contained in:
Jake Wheat 2016-02-15 20:34:04 +02:00
parent a4d91b3e44
commit 36109ce584

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@ -226,9 +226,12 @@ This parses a valid identifier without quotes.
> identifierString :: Parser String > identifierString :: Parser String
> identifierString = > identifierString =
> startsWith (\c -> c == '_' || isAlpha c) > startsWith (\c -> c == '_' || isAlpha c) isIdentifierChar
> (\c -> c == '_' || isAlphaNum c)
this can be moved to the dialect at some point
> isIdentifierChar :: Char -> Bool
> isIdentifierChar c = c == '_' || isAlphaNum c
Parse a SQL string. Examples: Parse a SQL string. Examples:
@ -574,47 +577,39 @@ successes.
> tokensWillPrintAndLex :: Dialect -> Token -> Token -> Bool > tokensWillPrintAndLex :: Dialect -> Token -> Token -> Bool
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d (Symbol ":") x = TODO: add more memoization, e.g. create a wrapper which pretty prints
> case prettyToken d x of both tokens so the pretty printed token can be reused in multiple
> -- eliminate cases: cases.
> -- first letter of pretty x can be start of identifier
> -- this will look like a hostparam a : followed by an identifier character will look like a host param
> -- first letter of x is :, this will look like :: followed by = or : makes a different symbol
> -- first letter of x is =, this will look like :=
> (a:_) | a `elem` ":_=" || isAlpha a -> False > tokensWillPrintAndLex d (Symbol ":") b
> _ -> True > | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isIdentifierChar b' || b' `elem` ":=" = False
two symbols next to eachother will fail if the symbols can combine and two symbols next to eachother will fail if the symbols can combine and
(possibly just the prefix) look like a different symbol, or if they (possibly just the prefix) look like a different symbol, or if they
combine to look like comment markers combine to look like comment markers
check if the end of one symbol and the start of the next can form a > tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) (Symbol a) (Symbol x)
comment token > | x `notElem` ["+", "-"] = False
> | or (map (`elem` a) "~!@#%^&|`?") = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a@(Symbol {}) b@(Symbol {}) > tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2)
> | a'@(_:_) <- prettyToken d a > | (s1,s2) `elem`
> , ('-':_) <- prettyToken d b > [("<",">")
> , last a' == '-' = False > ,("<","=")
> ,(">","=")
> ,("!","=")
> ,("|","|")
> ,("||","|")
> ,("|","||")
> ,("||","||")
> ,("<",">=")
> ] = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) (Symbol a) (Symbol x) = List explicitly all the cases which should fail
> (x `elem` ["+", "-"])
> && and (map (`notElem` a) "~!@#%^&|`?")
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2) =
> (s1,s2) `notElem`
> [("<",">")
> ,("<","=")
> ,(">","=")
> ,("!","=")
> ,("|","|")
> ,("||","|")
> ,("|","||")
> ,("||","||")
> ,("<",">=")
> ,("-","-")
> ,("/","*")
> ,("*","/")
> ]
two whitespaces will be combined two whitespaces will be combined
@ -629,145 +624,86 @@ and isn't exactly wrong
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (LineComment []) _ = False > tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (LineComment []) _ = False
apart from two above cases, leading and trailing whitespace will always be ok a token which ends with - followed by another token which starts with
- will turn into a line comment
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Whitespace {} _ = True > tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ Whitespace {} = True > | (a'@(_:_),('-':_)) <- (prettyToken d a, prettyToken d b)
> , last a' == '-' = False
a symbol ending with a '-' followed by a line comment will lex back a token which ends with * followed by a / at the start of the next
differently, since the --- will combine and move the comment eating token will cause a problem
some of the symbol
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Symbol s) (LineComment {}) = > tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
> case s of > | (a'@(_:_),('/':_)) <- (prettyToken d a, prettyToken d b)
> (_:_) -> last s /= '-' > , last a' == '*' = False
> _ -> True
in other situations a trailing line comment will work The reverse is a problem also: ending with / then the next one
starting with * will create the start of a block comment
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ LineComment {} = True todo: write a helper function for a predicate on the last char of the first token and the first char of the second token since this appears quite a few times
block comments: make sure there isn't a * symbol immediately before the comment opening > tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
> | (a'@(_:_),('*':_)) <- (prettyToken d a, prettyToken d b)
> , last a' == '/' = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a BlockComment {} = a symbol will absorb a following .
> case prettyToken d a of TODO: not 100% on this
> a'@(_:_) | last a' == '*' -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ BlockComment {} _ = True > tokensWillPrintAndLex d Symbol {} b
> | ('.':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
unquoted identifier followed by an identifier letter
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d (Identifier Nothing _) b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isIdentifierChar b' = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} Identifier {} = True two quoted identifiers with the same quote next to each other will
parse back as one identifier with the quote symbol in the middle
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} HostParam {} = True > tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier (Just (_,[a])) _) (Identifier (Just ([b],_)) _)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} PositionalArg {} = True > | a == b = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} SqlString {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) Symbol {} (SqlNumber ('.':_)) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} SqlNumber {} = True
host param followed by an identifier char will be absorbed
identifier: > tokensWillPrintAndLex d HostParam {} b
symbol ok > | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
identifier: > , isIdentifierChar b' = False
alphas then alphas: bad
quote then quote (with same start and end quote): bad
quote [ ] then quote [ ]: ok? this technically works, not sure if
it is a good ui, or requiring whitepace/comment is better. See
what sql server does
second is quote with prefix: makes it ok
host param: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
positional arg: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
string: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
number: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} Symbol {} = True prefixed variable same:
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (Identifier Nothing _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (Identifier (Just (a,_)) _) =
> case a of
> (a':_) | isAlpha a' -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Just {} _) (Identifier Nothing _) = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier (Just(_,b)) _) (Identifier (Just(c,_)) _) =
> not (b == c)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (SqlString a _ _) =
> case a of
> (a':_) | isAlpha a' -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} SqlString {} = True > tokensWillPrintAndLex d PrefixedVariable {} b
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (SqlNumber s) = > | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> case s of > , isIdentifierChar b' = False
> (s':_) -> not (isDigit s')
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} SqlNumber {} = True
a positional arg will absorb a following digit
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d PositionalArg {} b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isDigit b' = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} Symbol {} = True a string ending with ' followed by a token starting with ' will be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (Identifier Nothing _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (Identifier (Just (a,_)) _) =
> case a of
> c:_ -> not (isAlpha c)
> [] -> False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} HostParam {} = True > tokensWillPrintAndLex d (SqlString _q00 "'" _s0) b
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} PositionalArg {} = True > | ('\'':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (SqlString a _ _) =
> case a of
> (a':_) | isAlpha a' -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (SqlNumber s) =
> case s of
> (s':_) -> not (isDigit s')
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d PrefixedVariable {} b = a number followed by a . will fail or be absorbed
> case prettyToken d b of
> (h:_) | h == '_' || isAlphaNum h -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) > tokensWillPrintAndLex d SqlNumber {} b
> Symbol {} (PrefixedVariable {}) = False > | ('.':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ PrefixedVariable {} = True a number followed by an e or E will fail or be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d SqlNumber {} b
> | ('e':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> | ('E':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} Symbol {} = True two numbers next to eachother will fail or be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} Identifier {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} SqlString {} = True -- todo: think carefully about dollar quoting?
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} (SqlNumber n) =
> case n of
> (n':_) -> not (isDigit n')
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} Symbol {} = True > tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} SqlNumber {} = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} Identifier {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (SqlString _q00 q01 _s0) (SqlString q10 _q11 _s1) = > tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ _ = True
> not (q01 == "'" && q10 == "'")
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} SqlNumber {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} (Symbol ('.':_)) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} Symbol {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} Identifier {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} PositionalArg {} = True
todo: check for failures when e following number is fixed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} (SqlString ('e':_) _ _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} (SqlString ('E':_) _ _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} SqlString {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (SqlNumber _) (SqlNumber _) = False
todo: special case lexer so a second ., and . and e are not todo: special case lexer so a second ., and . and e are not
allowed after exponent when there is no whitespace, even if there allowed after exponent when there is no whitespace, even if there
@ -795,3 +731,6 @@ add odbc as a dialect flag and include {} as symbols when enabled
do some user documentation on lexing, and lexing/dialects do some user documentation on lexing, and lexing/dialects
start thinking about a more separated design for the dialect handling start thinking about a more separated design for the dialect handling
make sure other symbols repeated are protected like | || where neccessary
such as :