move exe example to examples/ get rid of the second example move tests to tests/ don't shadow show in Pretty
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ TODO: there should be more comments in this file, especially the bits
which have been changed to try to improve the layout of the output.
import Prelude hiding (show)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prettyprinter (Doc
@ -91,7 +88,7 @@ scalarExpr _ (IntervalLit s v f t) =
scalarExpr _ (Iden i) = names i
scalarExpr _ Star = pretty "*"
scalarExpr _ Parameter = pretty "?"
scalarExpr _ (PositionalArg n) = pretty $ T.cons '$' $ show n
scalarExpr _ (PositionalArg n) = pretty $ T.cons '$' $ showText n
scalarExpr _ (HostParameter p i) =
pretty p
<+> me (\i' -> pretty "indicator" <+> pretty i') i
@ -281,7 +278,7 @@ scalarExpr d (OdbcFunc e) =
scalarExpr d (Convert t e Nothing) =
pretty "convert(" <> typeName t <> pretty "," <+> scalarExpr d e <> pretty ")"
scalarExpr d (Convert t e (Just i)) =
pretty "convert(" <> typeName t <> pretty "," <+> scalarExpr d e <> pretty "," <+> pretty (show i) <> pretty ")"
pretty "convert(" <> typeName t <> pretty "," <+> scalarExpr d e <> pretty "," <+> pretty (showText i) <> pretty ")"
unname :: Name -> Text
unname (Name Nothing n) = n
@ -301,12 +298,12 @@ names ns = hcat $ punctuate (pretty ".") $ map name ns
typeName :: TypeName -> Doc a
typeName (TypeName t) = names t
typeName (PrecTypeName t a) = names t <+> parens (pretty $ show a)
typeName (PrecTypeName t a) = names t <+> parens (pretty $ showText a)
typeName (PrecScaleTypeName t a b) =
names t <+> parens (pretty (show a) <+> comma <+> pretty (show b))
names t <+> parens (pretty (showText a) <+> comma <+> pretty (showText b))
typeName (PrecLengthTypeName t i m u) =
names t
<> parens (pretty (show i)
<> parens (pretty (showText i)
<> me (\case
PrecK -> pretty "K"
PrecM -> pretty "M"
@ -318,7 +315,7 @@ typeName (PrecLengthTypeName t i m u) =
PrecOctets -> pretty "OCTETS") u)
typeName (CharTypeName t i cs col) =
(names t
<> me (\x -> parens (pretty $ show x)) i)
<> me (\x -> parens (pretty $ showText x)) i)
<+> (if null cs
then mempty
else pretty "character set" <+> names cs)
@ -327,7 +324,7 @@ typeName (CharTypeName t i cs col) =
else pretty "collate" <+> names col)
typeName (TimeTypeName t i tz) =
(names t
<> me (\x -> parens (pretty $ show x)) i)
<> me (\x -> parens (pretty $ showText x)) i)
<+> pretty (if tz
then "with time zone"
else "without time zone")
@ -341,7 +338,7 @@ typeName (IntervalTypeName f t) =
<+> me (\x -> pretty "to" <+> intervalTypeField x) t
typeName (ArrayTypeName tn sz) =
typeName tn <+> pretty "array" <+> me (brackets . pretty . show) sz
typeName tn <+> pretty "array" <+> me (brackets . pretty . showText) sz
typeName (MultisetTypeName tn) =
typeName tn <+> pretty "multiset"
@ -350,8 +347,8 @@ intervalTypeField :: IntervalTypeField -> Doc a
intervalTypeField (Itf n p) =
pretty n
<+> me (\(x,x1) ->
parens (pretty (show x)
<+> me (\y -> sep [comma,pretty (show y)]) x1)) p
parens (pretty (showText x)
<+> me (\y -> sep [comma,pretty (showText y)]) x1)) p
-- = query expressions
@ -741,12 +738,12 @@ sequenceGeneratorOption :: SequenceGeneratorOption -> Doc a
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGODataType t) =
pretty "as" <+> typeName t
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGORestart mi) =
pretty "restart" <+> maybe mempty (\mi' -> texts ["with", show mi']) mi
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOStartWith i) = texts ["start", "with", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOIncrementBy i) = texts ["increment", "by", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOMaxValue i) = texts ["maxvalue", show i]
pretty "restart" <+> maybe mempty (\mi' -> texts ["with", showText mi']) mi
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOStartWith i) = texts ["start", "with", showText i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOIncrementBy i) = texts ["increment", "by", showText i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOMaxValue i) = texts ["maxvalue", showText i]
sequenceGeneratorOption SGONoMaxValue = texts ["no", "maxvalue"]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOMinValue i) = texts ["minvalue", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOMinValue i) = texts ["minvalue", showText i]
sequenceGeneratorOption SGONoMinValue = texts ["no", "minvalue"]
sequenceGeneratorOption SGOCycle = pretty "cycle"
sequenceGeneratorOption SGONoCycle = pretty "no cycle"
@ -873,8 +870,8 @@ texts ts = sep $ map pretty ts
pretty :: Text -> Doc a
pretty = P.pretty
show :: Show a => a -> Text
show = T.pack .
showText :: Show a => a -> Text
showText = T.pack . show
-- restore the correct behaviour of mempty
-- this doesn't quite work when you chain <> and <+> together,
@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
.PHONY : build
build :
cabal build --enable-tests -fparserexe
cabal build
.PHONY : test
test :
cabal run test:Tests -- --hide-successes --ansi-tricks=false
.PHONY : test-coverage
test-coverage :
cabal test --enable-coverage
@ -24,8 +23,10 @@ clean :
.PHONY : parserexe
parserexe :
cabal build -fparserexe SimpleSqlParserTool
cabal build -fparserexe SimpleSQLParserTool
.PHONY : all
all : build test parserexe
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Some random notes on what could be done with the package in the future. None of this is scheduled.
The most important thing is adding more support for needed SQL. Everything else is very secondary to this.
Some random notes on what could be done with the package in the
future. None of this is scheduled.
@ -78,7 +77,9 @@ use this lib to build a typesafe sql wrapper for haskell
optimise the lexer:
add some benchmarks
do some experiments with left factoring
try to use the token approach with megaparsec
try to use the match approach with megaparsec
see if it's work using something other than megaparsec for the lexer
or// maybe it's no longer worth having a separate lexer?
rewrite bits of the parser, lots of it is a bit questionable
- an expert with megaparsec would write something simpler
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ commands =
[("help", helpCommand)
,("parse", parseCommand)
,("lex", lexCommand)
,("indent", indentCommand)]
,("format", formatCommand)]
showHelp :: Maybe String -> IO ()
showHelp msg = do
maybe (return ()) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ e) msg
putStrLn "Usage:\n SimpleSqlParserTool command args"
putStrLn "Usage:\n SimpleSQLParserTool command args"
forM_ commands $ \(c, (h,_)) -> do
putStrLn $ c ++ "\t" ++ h
when (isJust msg) $ exitFailure
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ lexCommand =
indentCommand :: (String,[String] -> IO ())
indentCommand =
formatCommand :: (String,[String] -> IO ())
formatCommand =
("parse then pretty print SQL from file/stdin/command line (use -c to parse from command line)"
,\args -> do
(f,src) <- getInput args
@ -28,11 +28,7 @@ source-repository head
Flag parserexe
Description: Build SimpleSqlParserTool exe
Default: False
Flag exampleexe
Description: Build simple sql parser example exe
Description: Build SimpleSQLParserTool exe
Default: False
common shared-properties
@ -60,7 +56,7 @@ Test-Suite Tests
import: shared-properties
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: RunTests.hs
hs-source-dirs: tools
hs-source-dirs: tests
Build-Depends: simple-sql-parser,
tasty >= 1.1 && < 1.6,
tasty-hunit >= 0.9 && < 0.11
@ -91,24 +87,13 @@ Test-Suite Tests
ghc-options: -threaded
executable SimpleSqlParserTool
executable SimpleSQLParserTool
import: shared-properties
main-is: SimpleSqlParserTool.hs
hs-source-dirs: tools
main-is: SimpleSQLParserTool.hs
hs-source-dirs: examples
Build-Depends: simple-sql-parser,
pretty-show >= 1.6 && < 1.10
if flag(parserexe)
buildable: True
buildable: False
executable SimpleSQLParserExample
import: shared-properties
main-is: SimpleSQLParserExample.hs
hs-source-dirs: tools
Build-Depends: simple-sql-parser,
pretty-show >= 1.6 && < 1.10
if flag(exampleexe)
buildable: True
buildable: False
@ -133,17 +133,19 @@ toTest parser pp d str expected = H.testCase (T.unpack str) $ do
let egot = parser d "" Nothing str
case egot of
Left e -> H.assertFailure $ T.unpack $ prettyError e
Right got -> do
H.assertEqual "" expected got
let str' = pp d got
let egot' = parser d "" Nothing str'
case egot' of
Left e' -> H.assertFailure $ "pp roundtrip"
++ "\n" ++ (T.unpack str')
++ (T.unpack $ prettyError e')
Right got' -> H.assertEqual
("pp roundtrip" ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack str')
expected got'
Right got -> H.assertEqual "" expected got
let str' = pp d expected
egot' = parser d "" Nothing str'
case egot' of
Left e' ->
H.assertFailure $ "pp roundtrip"
++ "\n" ++ (T.unpack str')
++ (T.unpack $ prettyError e')
Right got' ->
("pp roundtrip" ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack str')
expected got'
toPTest :: (Eq a, Show a) =>
(Dialect -> Text -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> Text -> Either ParseError a)
Reference in a new issue