work on lexing
add utility function to tell if two tokens will pretty print then lex back to the same two tokens or not add notes for some final missing lexing bits that are in hssqlppp add token combo tests for postgres add start of sql server, oracle and odbc lexing tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ todo: public documentation on dialect definition - and dialect flags
> ,prettyToken
> ,prettyTokens
> ,ParseError(..)
> ,Dialect(..)) where
> ,Dialect(..)
> ,tokensWillPrintAndLex
> ,tokenListWillPrintAndLex
> ) where
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Dialect
@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ todo: public documentation on dialect definition - and dialect flags
> -- | Represents a lexed token
> data Token
> -- | A symbol is one of the following
> -- | A symbol (in ansi dialect) is one of the following
> --
> -- * multi char symbols <> <= >= != ||
> -- * single char symbols: * + - < > ^ / % ~ & | ? ( ) [ ] , ; ( )
@ -404,6 +407,18 @@ which allows the last character of a multi character symbol to be + or
> <*> option [] opMoreChars
> ]
> symbol d | diSyntaxFlavour d == SQLServer =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
> where
> otherSymbol = many1 (char '.') :
> map (string . (:[])) ",;():?"
try is used because most of the first characters of the two character
symbols can also be part of a single character symbol
> regularOp = map (try . string) [">=","<=","!=","<>","||"]
> ++ map (string . (:[])) "+-^*/%~&|<>="
> symbol _ =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
@ -477,190 +492,246 @@ Some helper combinators
> takeWhile p = many (satisfy p)
> takeTill :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
> takeTill p =
> manyTill anyChar (peekSatisfy p)
> takeTill p = manyTill anyChar (peekSatisfy p)
> peekSatisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
> peekSatisfy p = do
> void $ lookAhead (satisfy p)
> peekSatisfy p = void $ lookAhead (satisfy p)
This utility function will accurately report if the two tokens are
pretty printed, if they should lex back to the same two tokens. This
function is used in testing (and can be used in other places), and
must not be implemented by actually trying to print and then lex
(because then we would have the risk of thinking two tokens cannot be
together when there is bug in the lexer and it should be possible to
put them together.
question: maybe pretty printing the tokens separately and then
analysing the concrete syntax without concatting the two printed
tokens together is a better way of doing this?
maybe do some quick checking to make sure this function only gives
true negatives: check pairs which return false actually fail to lex or
give different symbols in return
> tokenListWillPrintAndLex :: Dialect -> [Token] -> Bool
> tokenListWillPrintAndLex _ [] = True
> tokenListWillPrintAndLex _ [_] = True
> tokenListWillPrintAndLex d (a:b:xs) =
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b && tokenListWillPrintAndLex d (b:xs)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex :: Dialect -> Token -> Token -> Bool
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d (Symbol ":") x =
> case prettyToken d x of
> -- eliminate cases:
> -- first letter of pretty x can be start of identifier
> -- this will look like a hostparam
> -- first letter of x is :, this will look like ::
> -- first letter of x is =, this will look like :=
> (a:_) | a `elem` ":_=" || isAlpha a -> False
> _ -> True
two symbols next to eachother will fail if the symbols can combine and
(possibly just the prefix) look like a different symbol, or if they
combine to look like comment markers
postgresql notes:
SELECT 'foo'
is equivalent to:
SELECT 'foobar';
SELECT 'foo' 'bar';
is invalid
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a@(Symbol {}) b@(Symbol {})
> | a'@(_:_) <- prettyToken d a
> , ('-':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , last a' == '-' = False
(this should be in ansi also)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) (Symbol a) (Symbol x) =
> (x `elem` ["+", "-"])
> && and (map (`notElem` a) "~!@#%^&|`?")
definitely do major review and docs:
when can escapes and prefixes be using with syntactic string literals
when can they be combined
when can e.g. dollar quoting be used
what escaping should there be, including unicode escapes
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2) =
> (s1,s2) `notElem`
> [("<",">")
> ,("<","=")
> ,(">","=")
> ,("!","=")
> ,("|","|")
> -- todo: make the lexer special case reject ||| and so on
> -- because it is ambiguous
> --,("||","|")
> ,("|","||")
> --,("||","||")
> ,("<",">=")
> ,("-","-")
> ,("/","*")
> -- todo: special case make the lexer reject */ next to eachother
> -- because trying to interpret it as *,/ will lead to much worse error messages
> --,("*","/")
> ]
two whitespaces will be combined
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Whitespace {} Whitespace {} = False
line comment without a newline at the end will eat the next token
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (LineComment s@(_:_)) _ = last s == '\n'
this should never happen, but the case satisfies the haskell compiler
and isn't exactly wrong
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (LineComment []) _ = False
apart from two above cases, leading and trailing whitespace will always be ok
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Whitespace {} _ = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ Whitespace {} = True
a symbol ending with a '-' followed by a line comment will lex back
differently, since the --- will combine and move the comment eating
some of the symbol
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Symbol s) (LineComment {}) =
> case s of
> (_:_) -> last s /= '-'
> _ -> True
in other situations a trailing line comment or a leading or trailing
block comment will work
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ LineComment {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ BlockComment {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ BlockComment {} _ = True
with a range of escapes which should appear in the dialect data type
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} Identifier {} = True
dollar quoted strings
never with prefixes/escapes
:: cast
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} SqlString {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) Symbol {} (SqlNumber ('.':_)) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Symbol {} SqlNumber {} = True
type 'string' - literals only, not array types
ansi allows for some specific types
cast('string' as type)
symbol ok
alphas then alphas: bad
quote then quote (with same start and end quote): bad
quote [ ] then quote [ ]: ok? this technically works, not sure if
it is a good ui, or requiring whitepace/comment is better. See
what sql server does
second is quote with prefix: makes it ok
host param: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
positional arg: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
string: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
number: ok, but maybe should require whitespace for ui reasons
can use dollar quoting here
typename('string') (not all types)
check these in the parser for keyword issues
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} Symbol {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (Identifier Nothing _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (Identifier (Just (a,_)) _) =
> case a of
> (a':_) | isAlpha a' -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Just {} _) (Identifier Nothing _) = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier (Just(_,b)) _) (Identifier (Just(c,_)) _) =
> not (b == c)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (SqlString a _ _) =
> case a of
> (a':_) | isAlpha a' -> False
> _ -> True
extended operator rules
$1 positional parameter
: array slices and variable names/hostparam
some operator precedence notes
SELECT 3 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.+) 4;
diff from ansi:
all the same symbols + more + different rules about parsing multi char
symbols (ansi is trivial here, postgresql is not trivial and
identifiers: same, doublecheck the u&
hostparam: same, but with implementation issues because : is also a
symbol in postgresql. this might be a little tricky to deal with
string literals:
u&?, does pg support n?
numbers: same
whitespace, comments: same
make sure there is a list of lexical syntax which is valid in postgres
and not in ansi, and vice versa, and have explicit tests for
these. There might also be situations here where a string is valid in
both, but lexes differently. There is definitely cases like this in
the main syntax.
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} SqlString {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier Nothing _) (SqlNumber s) =
> case s of
> (s':_) -> not (isDigit s')
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Identifier {} SqlNumber {} = True
action plan:
no abstract syntax changes are needed
write down a spec for ansi and for postgresql lexical syntax
create a list of tests for postgresql
include eveything from ansi which is the same: maybe refactor the
tests to make this maintainable
design for escaping issues
(affects ansi also)
design for string literal-like syntax and for continuation strings
(affects ansi also)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} Symbol {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (Identifier Nothing _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (Identifier (Just (a,_)) _) =
> case a of
> c:_ -> not (isAlpha c)
> [] -> False
the test approach in general is first to parse basic examples of each
kind of token, then to manually come up with some edge cases to test,
and then to generate a good representative set of tokens (probably the
same set as the previous two categories), and create the cross product
of pairs of these tokens, eliminate ones when the tokens are next to
each other and it doesn't parse as the two separate tokens, using
manually written rules (want to be super accurate here - no false
positives or negatives), then test these all parse good as
well. Separating out the lexing in this way and doing this approach I
think gives a very good chance of minimising bugs in the basic
parsing, especially in the hairy bits.
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (SqlString a _ _) =
> case a of
> (a':_) | isAlpha a' -> False
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ HostParam {} (SqlNumber s) =
> case s of
> (s':_) -> not (isDigit s')
> _ -> True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} Symbol {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} Identifier {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} PositionalArg {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} SqlString {} = True -- todo: think carefully about dollar quoting?
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ PositionalArg {} (SqlNumber n) =
> case n of
> (n':_) -> not (isDigit n')
> _ -> True
= lexical syntax
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} Symbol {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} Identifier {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} PositionalArg {} = True
One possible gotcha: there isn't a one-one correpsondence between e.g
identifiers and string literals in the lexical syntax, and identifiers
and string literals in the main syntax.
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (SqlString _q00 q01 _s0) (SqlString q10 _q11 _s1) =
> not (q01 == "'" && q10 == "'")
== ansi
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlString {} SqlNumber {} = True
=== symbol
=== identifier
+ escaping
=== quoted identifier
+ escaping, prefixes
=== host param
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} (Symbol ('.':_)) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} Symbol {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} Identifier {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} HostParam {} = True
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} PositionalArg {} = True
=== string literal-like
+ escaping, prefixes
todo: check for failures when e following number is fixed
=== number literals
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} (SqlString ('e':_) _ _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} (SqlString ('E':_) _ _) = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} SqlString {} = True
=== whitespace
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (SqlNumber _) (SqlNumber _) = False
=== comments
todo: special case lexer so a second ., and . and e are not
allowed after exponent when there is no whitespace, even if there
is an unambiguous parse
== postgresql
=== symbol
lex @variable in sql server
lex [quoted identifier] in sql server
lex #variable in oracle
=== identifier
make a new ctor for @var, #var
== postgresql
add token tables and tests for oracle, sql server
=== symbol
extended set of symbols + extensibility + special cases
: is a symbol and also part of host param
add odbc as a dialect flag and include {} as symbols when enabled
=== identifier
add negative / different parse dialect tests
same as ansi? is the character set the same?
refactor the tokenswillprintlex to be based on pretty printing the
individual tokens
=== quoted identifier
add special cases to lexer:
||| three or more pipes is a syntax error (except for postgres)
(and not ||,| or |,|| e.g.)
extra ., e after number without whitespace is a syntax error
same as ansi?
reject a */ pair of chars instead of parsing it as a symbol or several
symbols. Can this appear inside an operator in postgres? Let's make it
not possible anywhere since this could be really confusing.
=== host param
same as ansi (check char set)
=== string literal-like
dollar quoting
E quoting
missing n'?
=== number literals
same as ansi, i think
=== whitespace
same as ansi
=== comments
same as ansi
=== additions
$1 positional parameter
---- find what else is in hssqlppp to support mysql, oracle, sql
do some user documentation on lexing, and lexing/dialects
start thinking about a more separated design for the dialect handling
@ -5,15 +5,18 @@ Test for the lexer
> module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.LexerTests (lexerTests) where
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Lex (Token(..))
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Lex (Token(..),tokenListWillPrintAndLex)
> --import Debug.Trace
> import Data.Char (isAlpha)
> --import Data.Char (isAlpha)
> import Data.List
> lexerTests :: TestItem
> lexerTests = Group "lexerTests" $
> [Group "lexer token tests" [ansiLexerTests
> ,postgresLexerTests]]
> ,postgresLexerTests
> ,sqlServerLexerTests
> ,oracleLexerTests
> ,odbcLexerTests]]
> ansiLexerTable :: [(String,[Token])]
> ansiLexerTable =
@ -70,22 +73,7 @@ Test for the lexer
> [ LexerTest ansi2011 (s ++ s1) (t ++ t1)
> | (s,t) <- ansiLexerTable
> , (s1,t1) <- ansiLexerTable
which combinations won't work:
<> <= >= || two single symbols which make a double char symbol
identifier + identifier if both are quoted or unquoted
string string
csstring string
line comment anything (can add newline?)
number number (todo: double check more carefully)
new idea:
create a function which will say if a series of lexical tokens should
survive the pretty -> lex cycle unchanged. Maybe this will lead to
clearer/more maintainable code.
> , isGood $ t ++ t1
> , tokenListWillPrintAndLex ansi2011 $ t ++ t1
> ]
> ,Group "adhoc lexer tests" $
@ -95,73 +83,6 @@ clearer/more maintainable code.
> ]
> ]
> where
> isGood :: [Token] -> Bool
> isGood l = {-let b =-} and $ map not [p l | p <- map listPred badCombos]
> -- in trace ("isGood " ++ show (l,b)) b
> badCombos :: [((Token -> Bool),(Token -> Bool))]
> badCombos = [symbolPair "<" ">"
> ,symbolPair "<" "="
> ,symbolPair ">" "="
> ,symbolPair "!" "="
> ,symbolPair "|" "|"
> ,symbolPair "||" "|"
> ,symbolPair "|" "||"
> ,symbolPair "||" "||"
> ,symbolPair "<" ">="
> ,symbolPair "-" "-"
> ,symbolPair "/" "*"
> ,symbolPair "*" "/"
> ,(isIdentifier, isIdentifier)
> ,(isDQIdentifier, isDQIdentifier)
> ,(isCQIdentifier, isDQIdentifier)
> ,(isString, isNonCsString)
> ,(isEofLineComment, const True)
> ,(isNumber, isNumber)
> ,(isHostParam,isIdentifier)
> ,(isHostParam,isCsString)
> ,(isHostParam,isCQIdentifier)
> ,(isIdentifier,isCsString)
> ,(isIdentifier,isCQIdentifier)
> ,(isWhitespace, isWhitespace)
> ,(isIdentifier, isNumber)
> ,(isHostParam, isNumber)
> ,(isMinus, isLineComment)
> ]
> isIdentifier (Identifier Nothing _) = True
> isIdentifier _ = False
> isDQIdentifier (Identifier (Just ("\"",_)) _) = True
> isDQIdentifier _ = False
> isCQIdentifier (Identifier (Just ((x:_),_)) _) | isAlpha x = True
> isCQIdentifier _ = False
> isCsString (SqlString (x:_) _ _) | isAlpha x = True
> isCsString _ = False
> isString (SqlString _ _ _) = True
> isString _ = False
> isNonCsString (SqlString [] _ _) = True
> isNonCsString (SqlString (x:_) _ _) | not (isAlpha x) = True
> isNonCsString _ = False
> isEofLineComment (LineComment s) = last s /= '\n'
> isEofLineComment _ = False
> isLineComment (LineComment {}) = True
> isLineComment _ = False
> isNumber (SqlNumber{}) = True
> isNumber _ = False
> isHostParam (HostParam{}) = True
> isHostParam _ = False
> isWhitespace (Whitespace{}) = True
> isWhitespace _ = False
> isMinus (Symbol "-") = True
> isMinus _ = False
> symbolPair a b = ((==Symbol a), (==Symbol b))
> listPred :: ((Token -> Bool),(Token -> Bool)) -> [Token] -> Bool
> listPred _ [] = False
> listPred _ [_] = False
> listPred (p,p1) (t:t1:ts) | p t && p1 t1 = True
> | otherwise = listPred (p,p1) (t1:ts)
todo: lexing tests
do quickcheck testing:
can try to generate valid tokens then check they parse
@ -202,7 +123,9 @@ operators without one of the exception chars
also: do the testing for the ansi compatibility special cases
> ++ [ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 4]
> ++ [ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 2]
> ++ (let idens = ["a", "_a", "test", "table", "Stuff", "STUFF"]
> -- simple identifiers
> in map (\i -> (i, [Identifier Nothing i])) idens
@ -254,6 +177,11 @@ also: do the testing for the ansi compatibility special cases
> ,"/* this *is/ a comment */"
> ]
> postgresExtraOperatorTable :: [(String,[Token])]
> postgresExtraOperatorTable =
> [ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 4]
> someValidPostgresOperators :: Int -> [String]
> someValidPostgresOperators l =
> [ x
@ -281,8 +209,15 @@ the + or -.
> postgresLexerTests :: TestItem
> postgresLexerTests = Group "postgresLexerTests" $
> [Group "postgres lexer token tests" $
> [LexerTest postgres s t | (s,t) <- postgresLexerTable]
> ,Group "adhoc lexer tests" $
> [LexerTest postgres s t | (s,t) <- postgresLexerTable ++ postgresExtraOperatorTable]
> ,Group "postgres generated combination lexer tests" $
> [ LexerTest postgres (s ++ s1) (t ++ t1)
> | (s,t) <- postgresLexerTable
> , (s1,t1) <- postgresLexerTable
> , tokenListWillPrintAndLex postgres $ t ++ t1
> ]
> ,Group "adhoc postgres lexer tests" $
> [LexerTest postgres s t
> | (s,t) <- edgeCaseCommentOps
> ++ edgeCasePlusMinusOps
@ -308,6 +243,36 @@ the + or -.
> ]
> sqlServerLexerTests :: TestItem
> sqlServerLexerTests = Group "sqlServerLexerTests" $
> [ LexerTest sqlserver s t | (s,t) <-
> [--("@variable", [(Identifier (Just ("@", "")) "variable")])
> --,("[quoted identifier]", [(Identifier (Just ("[", "]")) "variable")])
> ]]
> oracleLexerTests :: TestItem
> oracleLexerTests = Group "oracleLexerTests" $
> [ LexerTest oracle s t | (s,t) <-
> [--("#variable", [(Identifier (Just ("#", "")) "variable")])
> ]
> ]
> odbcLexerTests :: TestItem
> odbcLexerTests = Group "odbcLexerTests" $
> [ LexerTest sqlserver {- {odbc = True} -} s t | (s,t) <-
> [--("{}", [Symbol "{", Symbol "}"])
> ]
> ]
> combos :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
> combos _ 0 = [[]]
> combos l n = [ x:tl | x <- l, tl <- combos l (n - 1) ]
figure out a way to do quickcheck testing:
1. generate valid tokens and check they parse
2. combine two generated tokens together for the combo testing
this especially will work much better for the postgresql extensible
operator tests which doing exhaustively takes ages and doesn't bring
much benefit over testing a few using quickcheck.
Reference in a new issue