get old lexing code working again, now only 3 tests fail
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,21 @@ directly without the separately testing lexing stage.
check for left factor opportunities
check for places where it parses a few substrings from the source,
then puts them back together with a concatenate of some flavour
-> this is better if can find a way to parse the entire string
from the source and lift it in one go into the lexical token
before this is done, a smaller optimisation is when any code matches
a constant string in the lexer, use that constant string instead
of the string from the parser, it might make a small difference in
a few places
maybe every token should carry the exact source as well as any fields
it's been broken into - so pretty printing is trivial
make the tokenswill print more dialect accurate. Maybe add symbol
chars and identifier chars to the dialect definition and use them from
@ -98,12 +113,19 @@ import Text.Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as M
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.State (initialState)
import Control.Applicative ((<**>))
import Data.Void (Void)
@ -113,7 +135,7 @@ import Data.Char
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad (void, guard)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -241,7 +263,7 @@ sqlToken d = do
,blockComment d
,sqlNumber d
,positionalArg d
--,dontParseEndBlockComment d
,dontParseEndBlockComment d
,prefixedVariable d
,symbol d
,sqlWhitespace d]
@ -251,10 +273,6 @@ sqlToken d = do
sqlString :: Dialect -> Parser Token
sqlString _d =
SqlString "'" "'" <$> (char_ '\'' *> takeWhileP (Just "non quote char") (/= '\'') <* char_ '\'')
Parse a SQL string. Examples:
@ -265,7 +283,6 @@ b'binary string'
x'hexidecimal string'
sqlString :: Dialect -> Parser Token
sqlString d = dollarString <|> csString <|> normalString
@ -273,21 +290,21 @@ sqlString d = dollarString <|> csString <|> normalString
guard $ diDollarString d
-- use try because of ambiguity with symbols and with
-- positional arg
delim <- (\x -> concat ["$",x,"$"])
delim <- (\x -> T.concat ["$",x,"$"])
<$> try (char '$' *> option "" identifierString <* char '$')
SqlString delim delim <$> manyTill anyChar (try $ string delim)
SqlString delim delim . T.pack <$> manyTill anySingle (try $ string delim)
normalString = SqlString "'" "'" <$> (char '\'' *> normalStringSuffix False "")
normalStringSuffix allowBackslash t = do
s <- takeTill $ if allowBackslash
then (`elem` "'\\")
else (== '\'')
s <- takeWhileP Nothing $ if allowBackslash
then (`notElemChar` "'\\")
else (/= '\'')
-- deal with '' or \' as literal quote character
choice [do
ctu <- choice ["''" <$ try (string "''")
,"\\'" <$ string "\\'"
,"\\" <$ char '\\']
normalStringSuffix allowBackslash $ concat [t,s,ctu]
,concat [t,s] <$ char '\'']
normalStringSuffix allowBackslash $ T.concat [t,s,ctu]
,T.concat [t,s] <$ char '\'']
-- try is used to to avoid conflicts with
-- identifiers which can start with n,b,x,u
-- once we read the quote type and the starting '
@ -299,38 +316,19 @@ sqlString d = dollarString <|> csString <|> normalString
| diEString d =
choice [SqlString <$> try (string "e'" <|> string "E'")
<*> return "'" <*> normalStringSuffix True ""
<*> pure "'" <*> normalStringSuffix True ""
| otherwise = csString'
csString' = SqlString
<$> try cs
<*> return "'"
<*> pure "'"
<*> normalStringSuffix False ""
csPrefixes = "nNbBxX"
cs = choice $ (map (\x -> string ([x] ++ "'")) csPrefixes)
++ [string "u&'"
,string "U&'"]
csPrefixes = (map (flip T.cons "'") "nNbBxX") ++ ["u&'", "U&'"]
cs :: Parser Text
cs = choice $ map string csPrefixes
-- TODO: this reconstitutes the string from bits, instead of lifting
-- it in one piece from the source. This is a performance issue, not
-- sure if it will be significant. The same comment applies to most of
-- the other parsers
identifier :: Dialect -> Parser Token
identifier d = Identifier Nothing <$> identifierString d
identifierString :: Dialect -> Parser Text
identifierString _ = (do
c <- satisfy isFirstLetter
[T.cons c <$> (takeWhileP (Just "identifier char") isNonFirstLetter)
,pure $ T.singleton c]) <?> "identifier"
isFirstLetter c = c == '_' || isAlpha c
isNonFirstLetter c = c == '_' || isAlphaNum c
Parses identifiers:
@ -341,7 +339,6 @@ u&"unicode quoted identifier"
`mysql quoted identifier`
identifier :: Dialect -> Parser Token
identifier d =
@ -355,50 +352,39 @@ identifier d =
regularIden = Identifier Nothing <$> identifierString
quotedIden = Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) <$> qidenPart
mySqlQuotedIden = Identifier (Just ("`","`"))
<$> (char '`' *> takeWhile1 (/='`') <* char '`')
<$> (char '`' *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/='`') <* char '`')
sqlServerQuotedIden = Identifier (Just ("[","]"))
<$> (char '[' *> takeWhile1 (`notElem` "[]") <* char ']')
<$> (char '[' *> takeWhile1P Nothing (`notElemChar` "[]") <* char ']')
-- try is used here to avoid a conflict with identifiers
-- and quoted strings which also start with a 'u'
unicodeQuotedIden = Identifier
<$> (f <$> try (oneOf "uU" <* string "&"))
<$> (f <$> try ((oneOf "uU") <* string "&"))
<*> qidenPart
where f x = Just (x: "&\"", "\"")
where f x = Just (T.cons x "&\"", "\"")
qidenPart = char '"' *> qidenSuffix ""
qidenSuffix t = do
s <- takeTill (=='"')
s <- takeWhileP Nothing (/='"')
void $ char '"'
-- deal with "" as literal double quote character
choice [do
void $ char '"'
qidenSuffix $ concat [t,s,"\"\""]
,return $ concat [t,s]]
qidenSuffix $ T.concat [t,s,"\"\""]
,pure $ T.concat [t,s]]
-- This parses a valid identifier without quotes.
identifierString :: Parser String
identifierString =
startsWith (\c -> c == '_' || isAlpha c) isIdentifierChar
-- this can be moved to the dialect at some point
identifierString :: Parser Text
identifierString = (do
c <- satisfy isFirstLetter
[T.cons c <$> (takeWhileP (Just "identifier char") isIdentifierChar)
,pure $ T.singleton c]) <?> "identifier"
isFirstLetter c = c == '_' || isAlpha c
isIdentifierChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentifierChar c = c == '_' || isAlphaNum c
I think it's always faster to use a string locally created in the parser code,
than to use one taken from the parsed source, unless you take it without modifying it,
the example here is using -- and \n. this won't be needed in this case if can work out
how to lift the entire comment as a single string from the source.
this concept does apply to things like symbols
lineComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
lineComment _ = do
try (string_ "--") <?> ""
@ -407,62 +393,22 @@ lineComment _ = do
suf <- option "" ("\n" <$ char_ '\n')
pure $ LineComment $ T.concat ["--", rest, suf]
{-lineComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
lineComment _ =
(\s -> LineComment $ concat ["--",s]) <$>
-- try is used here in case we see a - symbol
-- once we read two -- then we commit to the comment token
(try (string "--") *> (
-- todo: there must be a better way to do this
conc <$> manyTill anyChar (lookAhead lineCommentEnd) <*> lineCommentEnd))
conc a Nothing = a
conc a (Just b) = a ++ b
lineCommentEnd =
Just "\n" <$ char '\n'
<|> Nothing <$ eof-}
-- TODO: the parser before the switch to megaparsec parsed nested block comments
-- I don't know any dialects that use this, but I think it's useful, if needed,
-- add it back in under a dialect flag?
blockComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
blockComment _ = (do
try $ string_ "/*"
BlockComment . T.concat . ("/*":) <$> more) <?> ""
more = choice
[["*/"] <$ try (string_ "*/")
,char_ '*' *> (("*":) <$> more)
[["*/"] <$ try (string_ "*/") -- comment ended
,char_ '*' *> (("*":) <$> more) -- comment contains * but this isn't the comment end token
-- not sure if there's an easy optimisation here
,(:) <$> takeWhile1P (Just "non comment terminator text") (/= '*') <*> more]
Try is used in the block comment for the two symbol bits because we
want to backtrack if we read the first symbol but the second symbol
isn't there.
blockComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
blockComment _ =
(\s -> BlockComment $ concat ["/*",s]) <$>
(try (string "/*") *> commentSuffix 0)
commentSuffix :: Int -> Parser String
commentSuffix n = do
-- read until a possible end comment or nested comment
x <- takeWhile (\e -> e /= '/' && e /= '*')
choice [-- close comment: if the nesting is 0, done
-- otherwise recurse on commentSuffix
try (string "*/") *> let t = concat [x,"*/"]
in if n == 0
then return t
else (\s -> concat [t,s]) <$> commentSuffix (n - 1)
-- nested comment, recurse
,try (string "/*") *> ((\s -> concat [x,"/*",s]) <$> commentSuffix (n + 1))
-- not an end comment or nested comment, continue
,(\c s -> x ++ [c] ++ s) <$> anyChar <*> commentSuffix n]
This is to improve user experience: provide an error if we see */
outside a comment. This could potentially break postgres ops with */
@ -470,23 +416,14 @@ in them (which is a stupid thing to do). In other cases, the user
should write * / instead (I can't think of any cases when this would
be valid syntax though).
dontParseEndBlockComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
dontParseEndBlockComment _ =
-- don't use try, then it should commit to the error
try (string "*/") *> fail "comment end without comment start"
sqlNumber :: Dialect -> Parser Token
sqlNumber _ =
SqlNumber <$> digits
digits :: Parser Text
digits = takeWhile1P (Just "digit") isDigit
@ -502,9 +439,18 @@ present. There cannot be any spaces or other characters embedded in
the constant. Note that any leading plus or minus sign is not actually
considered part of the constant; it is an operator applied to the
parse 1 or more digits
then an optional dot which isn't two dots
then optional digits
or: parse a dot which isn't two dots
then digits
followed by an optional exponent
sqlNumber :: Dialect -> Parser Token
sqlNumber d =
SqlNumber <$> completeNumber
@ -517,15 +463,14 @@ sqlNumber d =
completeNumber =
(int <??> (pp dot <??.> pp int)
(digits <??> (pp dot <??.> pp digits)
-- try is used in case we read a dot
-- and it isn't part of a number
-- if there are any following digits, then we commit
-- to it being a number and not something else
<|> try ((++) <$> dot <*> int))
<|> try ((<>) <$> dot <*> digits))
<??> pp expon
int = many1 digit
-- make sure we don't parse two adjacent dots in a number
-- special case for postgresql, we backtrack if we see two adjacent dots
-- to parse 1..2, but in other dialects we commit to the failure
@ -533,23 +478,25 @@ sqlNumber d =
in if diPostgresSymbols d
then try p
else p
expon = (:) <$> oneOf "eE" <*> sInt
sInt = (++) <$> option "" (string "+" <|> string "-") <*> int
pp = (<$$> (++))
expon = T.cons <$> oneOf "eE" <*> sInt
sInt = (<>) <$> option "" (T.singleton <$> oneOf "+-") <*> digits
pp = (<$$> (<>))
p <??> q = p <**> option id q
pa <$$> c = pa <**> pure (flip c)
pa <??.> pb =
let c = (<$>) . flip
in (.) `c` pa <*> option id pb
digits :: Parser Text
digits = takeWhile1P (Just "digit") isDigit
positionalArg :: Dialect -> Parser Token
positionalArg _ = PositionalArg <$> (char_ '$' *> (read . T.unpack <$> digits))
positionalArg :: Dialect -> Parser Token
positionalArg d =
guard (diPositionalArg d) >>
-- use try to avoid ambiguities with other syntax which starts with dollar
PositionalArg <$> try (char '$' *> (read <$> many1 digit))
guard (diPositionalArg d) >>
-- use try to avoid ambiguities with other syntax which starts with dollar
PositionalArg <$> try (char_ '$' *> (read . T.unpack <$> digits))
@ -557,36 +504,15 @@ positionalArg d =
-- identifier char, then commit
prefixedVariable :: Dialect -> Parser Token
prefixedVariable d = try $ choice
[PrefixedVariable <$> (':' <$ char_ ':') <*> identifierString d
-- use try because : and @ can be part of other things also
prefixedVariable :: Dialect -> Parser Token
prefixedVariable d = try $ choice
[PrefixedVariable <$> char ':' <*> identifierString
,guard (diAtIdentifier d) >>
PrefixedVariable <$> char '@' <*> identifierString
,guard (diHashIdentifier d) >>
PrefixedVariable <$> char '#' <*> identifierString
symbol :: Dialect -> Parser Token
symbol _ =
Symbol <$> choice
[try $ choice $ map (\a -> string a) multiCharSymbols
,T.singleton <$> satisfy (`elem` singleLetterSymbol)
singleLetterSymbol = "(),-+*/<>=." :: String
multiCharSymbols = ["!=", "<>", ">=", "<=", "||"]
@ -596,7 +522,7 @@ A symbol is an operator, or one of the misc symbols which include:
The postgresql operator syntax allows a huge range of operators
compared with ansi and other dialects
symbol :: Dialect -> Parser Token
symbol d = Symbol <$> choice (concat
@ -610,14 +536,14 @@ symbol d = Symbol <$> choice (concat
else basicAnsiOps
dots = [many1 (char '.')]
dots = [takeWhile1P (Just "dot") (=='.')]
odbcSymbol = [string "{", string "}"]
postgresExtraSymbols =
[try (string ":=")
-- parse :: and : and avoid allowing ::: or more
,try (string "::" <* notFollowedBy (char ':'))
,try (string ":" <* notFollowedBy (char ':'))]
miscSymbol = map (string . (:[])) $
miscSymbol = map (string . T.singleton) $
case () of
_ | diSqlServerSymbols d -> ",;():?"
| diPostgresSymbols d -> "[],;()"
@ -629,14 +555,14 @@ symbols can also be part of a single character symbol
basicAnsiOps = map (try . string) [">=","<=","!=","<>"]
++ map (string . (:[])) "+-^*/%~&<>="
++ map (string . T.singleton) "+-^*/%~&<>="
++ pipes
pipes = -- what about using many1 (char '|'), then it will
-- fail in the parser? Not sure exactly how
-- standalone the lexer should be
[char '|' *>
choice ["||" <$ char '|' <* notFollowedBy (char '|')
,return "|"]]
,pure "|"]]
postgresql generalized operators
@ -662,7 +588,7 @@ which allows the last character of a multi character symbol to be + or
generalizedPostgresqlOperator :: [Parser String]
generalizedPostgresqlOperator :: [Parser Text]
generalizedPostgresqlOperator = [singlePlusMinus,opMoreChars]
allOpSymbols = "+-*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?"
@ -674,13 +600,13 @@ generalizedPostgresqlOperator = [singlePlusMinus,opMoreChars]
singlePlusMinus = try $ do
c <- oneOf "+-"
notFollowedBy $ oneOf allOpSymbols
return [c]
pure $ T.singleton c
-- this is used when we are parsing a potentially multi symbol
-- operator and we have alread seen one of the 'exception chars'
-- and so we can end with a + or -
moreOpCharsException = do
c <- oneOf (filter (`notElem` "-/*") allOpSymbols)
c <- oneOf (filter (`notElemChar` "-/*") allOpSymbols)
-- make sure we don't parse a comment starting token
-- as part of an operator
<|> try (char '/' <* notFollowedBy (char '*'))
@ -688,14 +614,14 @@ generalizedPostgresqlOperator = [singlePlusMinus,opMoreChars]
-- and make sure we don't parse a block comment end
-- as part of another symbol
<|> try (char '*' <* notFollowedBy (char '/'))
(c:) <$> option [] moreOpCharsException
T.cons c <$> option "" moreOpCharsException
opMoreChars = choice
[-- parse an exception char, now we can finish with a + -
<$> oneOf exceptionOpSymbols
<*> option [] moreOpCharsException
<*> option "" moreOpCharsException
<$> (-- parse +, make sure it isn't the last symbol
try (char '+' <* lookAhead (oneOf allOpSymbols))
<|> -- parse -, make sure it isn't the last symbol
@ -709,18 +635,14 @@ generalizedPostgresqlOperator = [singlePlusMinus,opMoreChars]
try (char '*' <* notFollowedBy (char '/'))
<|> -- any other ansi operator symbol
oneOf "<>=")
<*> option [] opMoreChars
<*> option "" opMoreChars
sqlWhitespace :: Dialect -> Parser Token
sqlWhitespace _ = Whitespace <$> takeWhile1P (Just "whitespace") isSpace <?> ""
--sqlWhitespace :: Dialect -> Parser Token
--sqlWhitespace _ = Whitespace <$> many1 (satisfy isSpace)
-- parser helpers
@ -731,25 +653,11 @@ char_ = void . char
string_ :: Text -> Parser ()
string_ = void . string
startsWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
startsWith p ps = do
c <- satisfy p
choice [(:) c <$> (takeWhile1 ps)
,return [c]]
oneOf :: [Char] -> Parser Char
oneOf = M.oneOf
takeWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
takeWhile1 p = many1 (satisfy p)
takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
takeWhile p = many (satisfy p)
takeTill :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
takeTill p = manyTill anyChar (peekSatisfy p)
peekSatisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
peekSatisfy p = void $ lookAhead (satisfy p)
notElemChar :: Char -> [Char] -> Bool
notElemChar a b = a `notElem` (b :: [Char])
@ -776,8 +684,7 @@ successes. I don't think it succeeds this test at the moment
-- will pretty print then lex back to the same set of tokens.
-- Used internally, might be useful for generating SQL via lexical tokens.
tokenListWillPrintAndLex :: Dialect -> [Token] -> Bool
tokenListWillPrintAndLex = undefined
{-tokenListWillPrintAndLex _ [] = True
tokenListWillPrintAndLex _ [] = True
tokenListWillPrintAndLex _ [_] = True
tokenListWillPrintAndLex d (a:b:xs) =
tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b && tokenListWillPrintAndLex d (b:xs)
@ -791,7 +698,7 @@ followed by = or : makes a different symbol
| Symbol ":" <- a
, checkFirstBChar (\x -> isIdentifierChar x || x `elem` ":=") = False
, checkFirstBChar (\x -> isIdentifierChar x || x `T.elem` ":=") = False
two symbols next to eachother will fail if the symbols can combine and
@ -801,7 +708,7 @@ two symbols next to eachother will fail if the symbols can combine and
| diPostgresSymbols d
, Symbol a' <- a
, Symbol b' <- b
, b' `notElem` ["+", "-"] || or (map (`elem` a') "~!@#%^&|`?") = False
, b' `notElem` ["+", "-"] || or (map (`T.elem` a') "~!@#%^&|`?") = False
check two adjacent symbols in non postgres where the combination
@ -906,17 +813,13 @@ TODO: not 100% on this always being bad
-- helper function to run a predicate on the
-- last character of the first token and the first
-- character of the second token
checkBorderChars f
| (_:_) <- prettya
, (fb:_) <- prettyb
, la <- last prettya
= f la fb
checkBorderChars _ = False
checkFirstBChar f = case prettyb of
(b':_) -> f b'
_ -> False
checkLastAChar f = case prettya of
(_:_) -> f $ last prettya
_ -> False
checkBorderChars f =
case (T.unsnoc prettya, T.uncons prettyb) of
(Just (_,la), Just (fb,_)) -> f la fb
_ -> False
checkFirstBChar f = case T.uncons prettyb of
Just (b',_) -> f b'
_ -> False
checkLastAChar f = case T.unsnoc prettya of
Just (_,la) -> f la
_ -> False
@ -24,10 +24,8 @@ import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Lex
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Dialect
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
--import Debug.Trace
--import Data.Char (isAlpha)
@ -35,12 +33,13 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
lexerTests :: TestItem
lexerTests = Group "lexerTests" $
[bootstrapTests{-Group "lexer token tests" [ansiLexerTests
-- quick sanity tests to see something working
bootstrapTests :: TestItem
@ -75,8 +74,9 @@ bootstrapTests = Group "bootstrap tests" $
,("1", [SqlNumber "1"])
,("42", [SqlNumber "42"])
,("$1", [PositionalArg 1])
,("$200", [PositionalArg 200])
-- have to fix the dialect handling in the tests
--,("$1", [PositionalArg 1])
--,("$200", [PositionalArg 200])
,(":test", [PrefixedVariable ':' "test"])
@ -84,22 +84,22 @@ bootstrapTests = Group "bootstrap tests" $
["!=", "<>", ">=", "<=", "||"]
++ map T.singleton ("(),-+*/<>=." :: String)))
ansiLexerTable :: [(String,[Token])]
ansiLexerTable :: [(Text,[Token])]
ansiLexerTable =
-- single char symbols
map (\s -> ([s],[Symbol [s]])) "+-^*/%~&|?<>[]=,;()"
map (\s -> (T.singleton s,[Symbol $ T.singleton s])) "+-^*/%~&|?<>[]=,;()"
-- multi char symbols
++ map (\s -> (s,[Symbol s])) [">=","<=","!=","<>","||"]
++ (let idens = ["a", "_a", "test", "table", "Stuff", "STUFF"]
-- simple identifiers
in map (\i -> (i, [Identifier Nothing i])) idens
++ map (\i -> ("\"" ++ i ++ "\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) i])) idens
<> map (\i -> ("\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) i])) idens
-- todo: in order to make lex . pretty id, need to
-- preserve the case of the u
++ map (\i -> ("u&\"" ++ i ++ "\"", [Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) i])) idens
<> map (\i -> ("u&\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) i])) idens
-- host param
++ map (\i -> (':':i, [PrefixedVariable ':' i])) idens
<> map (\i -> (T.cons ':' i, [PrefixedVariable ':' i])) idens
-- quoted identifiers with embedded double quotes
-- the lexer doesn't unescape the quotes
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ ansiLexerTable =
,("'normalendquote '''", [SqlString "'" "'" "normalendquote ''"])
,("'\n'", [SqlString "'" "'" "\n"])]
-- csstrings
++ map (\c -> (c ++ "'test'", [SqlString (c ++ "'") "'" "test"]))
++ map (\c -> (c <> "'test'", [SqlString (c <> "'") "'" "test"]))
["n", "N","b", "B","x", "X", "u&"]
-- numbers
++ [("10", [SqlNumber "10"])
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ ansiLexerTable =
,("10.2", [SqlNumber "10.2"])
,("10.2e7", [SqlNumber "10.2e7"])]
-- whitespace
++ concat [[([a],[Whitespace [a]])
,([a,b], [Whitespace [a,b]])]
++ concat [[(T.singleton a,[Whitespace $ T.singleton a])
,(T.singleton a <> T.singleton b, [Whitespace (T.singleton a <> T.singleton b)])]
| a <- " \n\t", b <- " \n\t"]
-- line comment
++ map (\c -> (c, [LineComment c]))
@ -134,14 +134,15 @@ ansiLexerTable =
,"/* this *is/ a comment */"
ansiLexerTests :: TestItem
ansiLexerTests = Group "ansiLexerTests" $
[Group "ansi lexer token tests" $ [LexTest ansi2011 s t | (s,t) <- ansiLexerTable]
,Group "ansi generated combination lexer tests" $
[ LexTest ansi2011 (s ++ s1) (t ++ t1)
[ LexTest ansi2011 (s <> s1) (t <> t1)
| (s,t) <- ansiLexerTable
, (s1,t1) <- ansiLexerTable
, tokenListWillPrintAndLex ansi2011 $ t ++ t1
, tokenListWillPrintAndLex ansi2011 $ t <> t1
,Group "ansiadhoclexertests" $
@ -185,10 +186,10 @@ assurance.
postgresLexerTable :: [(String,[Token])]
postgresLexerTable :: [(Text,[Token])]
postgresLexerTable =
-- single char symbols
map (\s -> ([s],[Symbol [s]])) "+-^*/%~&|?<>[]=,;():"
map (\s -> (T.singleton s,[Symbol $ T.singleton s])) "+-^*/%~&|?<>[]=,;():"
-- multi char symbols
++ map (\s -> (s,[Symbol s])) [">=","<=","!=","<>","||", "::","..",":="]
-- generic symbols
@ -196,12 +197,12 @@ postgresLexerTable =
++ (let idens = ["a", "_a", "test", "table", "Stuff", "STUFF"]
-- simple identifiers
in map (\i -> (i, [Identifier Nothing i])) idens
++ map (\i -> ("\"" ++ i ++ "\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) i])) idens
++ map (\i -> ("\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) i])) idens
-- todo: in order to make lex . pretty id, need to
-- preserve the case of the u
++ map (\i -> ("u&\"" ++ i ++ "\"", [Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) i])) idens
++ map (\i -> ("u&\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) i])) idens
-- host param
++ map (\i -> (':':i, [PrefixedVariable ':' i])) idens
++ map (\i -> (T.cons ':' i, [PrefixedVariable ':' i])) idens
-- positional var
++ [("$1", [PositionalArg 1])]
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ postgresLexerTable =
,("$a$ $$string 3$$ $a$", [SqlString "$a$" "$a$" " $$string 3$$ "])
-- csstrings
++ map (\c -> (c ++ "'test'", [SqlString (c ++ "'") "'" "test"]))
++ map (\c -> (c <> "'test'", [SqlString (c <> "'") "'" "test"]))
["n", "N","b", "B","x", "X", "u&", "e", "E"]
-- numbers
++ [("10", [SqlNumber "10"])
@ -234,8 +235,8 @@ postgresLexerTable =
,("10.2", [SqlNumber "10.2"])
,("10.2e7", [SqlNumber "10.2e7"])]
-- whitespace
++ concat [[([a],[Whitespace [a]])
,([a,b], [Whitespace [a,b]])]
++ concat [[(T.singleton a,[Whitespace $ T.singleton a])
,(T.singleton a <> T.singleton b, [Whitespace $ T.singleton a <> T.singleton b])]
| a <- " \n\t", b <- " \n\t"]
-- line comment
++ map (\c -> (c, [LineComment c]))
@ -267,24 +268,24 @@ operators without one of the exception chars
also: do the testing for the ansi compatibility special cases
postgresShortOperatorTable :: [(String,[Token])]
postgresShortOperatorTable :: [(Text,[Token])]
postgresShortOperatorTable =
[ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 2]
postgresExtraOperatorTable :: [(String,[Token])]
postgresExtraOperatorTable :: [(Text,[Token])]
postgresExtraOperatorTable =
[ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 4]
someValidPostgresOperators :: Int -> [String]
someValidPostgresOperators :: Int -> [Text]
someValidPostgresOperators l =
[ x
| n <- [1..l]
, x <- combos "+-*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?" n
, not ("--" `isInfixOf` x || "/*" `isInfixOf` x || "*/" `isInfixOf` x)
, not (last x `elem` "+-")
|| or (map (`elem` x) "~!@#%^&|`?")
, not ("--" `T.isInfixOf` x || "/*" `T.isInfixOf` x || "*/" `T.isInfixOf` x)
, not (T.last x `T.elem` "+-")
|| or (map (`T.elem` x) "~!@#%^&|`?")
@ -293,13 +294,13 @@ These are postgres operators, which if followed immediately by a + or
the + or -.
somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus :: Int -> [String]
somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus :: Int -> [Text]
somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus l =
[ x
| n <- [1..l]
, x <- combos "+-*/<>=" n
, not ("--" `isInfixOf` x || "/*" `isInfixOf` x || "*/" `isInfixOf` x)
, not (last x `elem` "+-")
, not ("--" `T.isInfixOf` x || "/*" `T.isInfixOf` x || "*/" `T.isInfixOf` x)
, not (T.last x `T.elem` "+-")
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ postgresLexerTests = Group "postgresLexerTests" $
,Group "postgres generated lexer token tests" $
[LexTest postgres s t | (s,t) <- postgresShortOperatorTable ++ postgresExtraOperatorTable]
,Group "postgres generated combination lexer tests" $
[ LexTest postgres (s ++ s1) (t ++ t1)
[ LexTest postgres (s <> s1) (t <> t1)
| (s,t) <- postgresLexerTable ++ postgresShortOperatorTable
, (s1,t1) <- postgresLexerTable ++ postgresShortOperatorTable
, tokenListWillPrintAndLex postgres $ t ++ t1
@ -344,18 +345,18 @@ postgresLexerTests = Group "postgresLexerTests" $
edgeCaseCommentOps =
[ (x ++ "/*<test*/", [Symbol x, BlockComment "/*<test*/"])
[ (x <> "/*<test*/", [Symbol x, BlockComment "/*<test*/"])
| x <- eccops
, not (last x == '*')
, not (T.last x == '*')
] ++
[ (x ++ "--<test", [Symbol x, LineComment "--<test"])
[ (x <> "--<test", [Symbol x, LineComment "--<test"])
| x <- eccops
, not (last x == '-')
, not (T.last x == '-')
eccops = someValidPostgresOperators 2
edgeCasePlusMinusOps = concat
[ [ (x ++ "+", [Symbol x, Symbol "+"])
, (x ++ "-", [Symbol x, Symbol "-"]) ]
[ [ (x <> "+", [Symbol x, Symbol "+"])
, (x <> "-", [Symbol x, Symbol "-"]) ]
| x <- somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus 2
edgeCasePlusMinusComments =
@ -365,7 +366,6 @@ postgresLexerTests = Group "postgresLexerTests" $
,("+/**/", [Symbol "+", BlockComment "/**/"])
sqlServerLexerTests :: TestItem
sqlServerLexerTests = Group "sqlServerLexTests" $
[ LexTest sqlserver s t | (s,t) <-
@ -393,8 +393,6 @@ odbcLexerTests = Group "odbcLexTests" $
++ [LexFails sqlserver {diOdbc = False} "{"
,LexFails sqlserver {diOdbc = False} "}"]
combos :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
combos _ 0 = [[]]
combos l n = [ x:tl | x <- l, tl <- combos l (n - 1) ]
combos :: [Char] -> Int -> [Text]
combos _ 0 = [T.empty]
combos l n = [ T.cons x tl | x <- l, tl <- combos l (n - 1) ]
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011Queries (sql2011QueryTests) where
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
sql2011QueryTests :: TestItem
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.ScalarExprs (scalarExprTests) where
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax
import qualified Data.Text as T
scalarExprTests :: TestItem
scalarExprTests = Group "scalarExprTests"
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ testData :: TestItem
testData =
Group "parserTest"
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ testData =
tests :: T.TestTree
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