fix case insensitivity for keyword parsing, add some notes
This commit is contained in:
@ -649,10 +649,14 @@ access them via these functions, if you follow?
> symbol_ :: String -> P ()
> symbol_ s = symbol s *> return ()
TODO: now that keyword has try in it, a lot of the trys above can be
> keyword :: String -> P String
> keyword s = (map toLower <$> string s)
> <* notFollowedBy (char '_' <|> alphaNum)
> <* whiteSpace
> keyword s = try $ do
> i <- identifierRaw
> guard (map toLower i == map toLower s)
> return i
> keyword_ :: String -> P ()
> keyword_ s = keyword s *> return ()
@ -662,16 +666,22 @@ underscore, and continue with letter, underscore or digit. It doesn't
support quoting other other sorts of identifiers yet. There is a
blacklist of keywords which aren't supported as identifiers.
> identifierString :: P String
> identifierString = do
> s <- (:) <$> letterOrUnderscore
> <*> many letterDigitOrUnderscore <* whiteSpace
> guard (s `notElem` blacklist)
> return s
the identifier raw doesn't check the blacklist since it is used by the
keyword parser also
> identifierRaw :: P String
> identifierRaw = (:) <$> letterOrUnderscore
> <*> many letterDigitOrUnderscore <* whiteSpace
> where
> letterOrUnderscore = char '_' <|> letter
> letterDigitOrUnderscore = char '_' <|> alphaNum
> identifierString :: P String
> identifierString = do
> s <- identifierRaw
> guard (map toLower s `notElem` blacklist)
> return s
> blacklist :: [String]
> blacklist =
> ["select", "as", "from", "where", "having", "group", "order"
@ -1,7 +1,35 @@
first release:
add automated tests to cabal
next release:
quoted identifiers: implement as a dot operator
review tests to copy from hssqlppp
window frames and named windows
dialect framework
try to implement fixity without the hse hack
position annotation?
row ctor
more symbolic operators, array access a[5]?
review abstract syntax (e.g. combine App with SpecialOp?)
more dots
order by nulls first/last
extend case
group by extensions
table, values
collate? -> postfix operator which binds very tightly:
a < 'foo' collate 'C'
Op "<" [Iden "a", SpecialOp "collate" [StringLit 'foo', StringLit
also postfix in order by:
select a from t order by a collate 'C': add to order by syntax
function table reference
much more table reference tests
ansi standard versions of limit and offset
sql server top
add to website: pretty printed tpch, maybe other queries as
demo: convert tpch to sql server syntax
review internal sql collection for more syntax/tests
run through postgres docs and add example sql as tests
@ -20,6 +48,8 @@ reimplement the fixity thing natively
position annotation?
quasi quotes?
= sql support
scalar function syntax:
@ -1,4 +1,39 @@
split into multiple files:
scalar expressions
other queryexpr parts: not enough to split into multiple files
full queries
tpch tests
postgres queries - take all the examples from the postgres docs which
aren't too postgres specific and create tests from them
postgres queries:
SELECT 'foo'
'bar'; -> if there is a newline, this parses to select 'foobar'
SELECT name, (SELECT max(pop) FROM cities WHERE cities.state =
FROM states;
SELECT ROW(1,2.5,'this is a test');
SELECT ROW(t.*, 42) FROM t;
SELECT ROW(t.f1, t.f2, 42) FROM t;
Note: Before PostgreSQL 8.2, the .* syntax was not expanded
SELECT getf1(CAST(ROW(11,'this is a test',2.5) AS myrowtype));
SELECT ROW(1,2.5,'this is a test') = ROW(1, 3, 'not the same');
SELECT ROW(table.*) IS NULL FROM table;
SELECT true OR somefunc();
SELECT somefunc() OR true;
> module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Tests
> (testData
> ,tests
Reference in a new issue