add iden keywords and app keywords to the dialect
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,9 +20,17 @@ Data types to represent different dialect options
> data Dialect = Dialect
> data Dialect = Dialect
> { -- | The list of reserved keywords
> { -- | The list of reserved keywords
> diKeywords :: [String]
> diKeywords :: [String]
> -- | The list of reserved keywords, which can also be used as
> -- | an identifier
> ,diIdentifierKeywords :: [String]
> -- | The list of reserved keywords, which can also be used as
> -- | a function name (including aggregates and window
> -- | functions)
> ,diAppKeywords :: [String]
> -- | does the dialect support ansi fetch first syntax
> -- | does the dialect support ansi fetch first syntax
> ,diFetchFirst :: Bool
> ,diFetchFirst :: Bool
> -- | does the dialect support limit keyword (mysql, postgres, ...)
> -- | does the dialect support limit keyword (mysql, postgres,
> -- | ...)
> ,diLimit :: Bool
> ,diLimit :: Bool
> -- | allow parsing ODBC syntax
> -- | allow parsing ODBC syntax
> ,diOdbc :: Bool
> ,diOdbc :: Bool
@ -50,6 +58,8 @@ Data types to represent different dialect options
> -- | ansi sql 2011 dialect
> -- | ansi sql 2011 dialect
> ansi2011 :: Dialect
> ansi2011 :: Dialect
> ansi2011 = Dialect {diKeywords = ansi2011ReservedKeywords
> ansi2011 = Dialect {diKeywords = ansi2011ReservedKeywords
> ,diIdentifierKeywords = []
> ,diAppKeywords = ["set"]
> ,diFetchFirst = True
> ,diFetchFirst = True
> ,diLimit = False
> ,diLimit = False
> ,diOdbc = False
> ,diOdbc = False
@ -104,6 +114,28 @@ mostly, things are keywords to avoid them mistakenly being parsed as
aliases or as identifiers/functions/function-like things (aggs,
aliases or as identifiers/functions/function-like things (aggs,
windows, etc.)
windows, etc.)
some rationale for having quite string reserved keywords:
1. sql has the unusual (these days) feature of quoting identifiers
which allows you to use any keyword in any context
2. the user already has to deal with a very long list of keywords in
sql. this is not very user friendly
3. if the user has to remember which situations which keyword needs
quoting, and which it doesn't need quoting, this is also not very
user friendly, even if it means less quoting sometimes. E.g. if
you only need to quote 'from' in places where it is ambiguous, and
you want to take advantage of this, this list of good/not-good
places is based on the weirdness of SQL grammar and the
implementation details of the parser - and it's especially bad if
you are using from as an iden without quotes, and you edit the sql
statement, and now from is in a position where it does need
quotes, and you get a obscure error message
4. there is a lot more potential for nice clear error messages
keywords are never allowed without quoting
> ansi2011ReservedKeywords :: [String]
> ansi2011ReservedKeywords :: [String]
> ansi2011ReservedKeywords =
> ansi2011ReservedKeywords =
> [--"abs" -- function
> [--"abs" -- function
@ -719,22 +719,20 @@ all the scalar expressions which start with an identifier
> idenExpr =
> idenExpr =
> -- todo: work out how to left factor this
> -- todo: work out how to left factor this
> try (TypedLit <$> typeName <*> singleQuotesOnlyStringTok)
> try (TypedLit <$> typeName <*> singleQuotesOnlyStringTok)
> <|> (try keywordFunction <**> app)
> <|> (names <**> option Iden app)
> <|> (names <**> option Iden app)
> <|> keywordFunctionOrIden
> where
> where
> -- this is a special case because 'set' is a reserved keyword
> -- special cases for keywords that can be parsed as an iden or app
> -- and the names parser won't parse it
> keywordFunctionOrIden = try $ do
> -- can't remove it from the reserved keyword list, because
> x <- unquotedIdentifierTok [] Nothing
> -- it is used in a lot of places which are ambiguous as a keyword
> d <- getState
> -- this approach might be needed with other keywords which look
> let i = map toLower x `elem` diIdentifierKeywords d
> -- like identifiers or functions
> a = map toLower x `elem` diAppKeywords d
> keywordFunction =
> case () of
> let makeKeywordFunction x = if map toLower x `elem` keywordFunctionNames
> _ | i && a -> pure [Name Nothing x] <**> option Iden app
> then return [Name Nothing x]
> | i -> pure (Iden [Name Nothing x])
> else fail ""
> | a -> pure [Name Nothing x] <**> app
> in unquotedIdentifierTok [] Nothing >>= makeKeywordFunction
> | otherwise -> fail ""
> keywordFunctionNames = ["set"
> ]
=== special
=== special
@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ review alters, and think about adding rename versions
which are really common and useful, but not in ansi
which are really common and useful, but not in ansi
try to get some control over the pretty printing and the error
messages by creating some dumps of pretty printing and error messages,
then can rerun these every so often to see how they've changed
-> expose in the dialect:
keywords which can (also?) appear as identifiers in scalar expressions
keywords which can (also?) appear as app-likes - this is already implemented
finish off going through the keyword list
finish off going through the keyword list
do more examples
do more examples
@ -4,8 +4,24 @@
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
> customDialectTests :: TestItem
> customDialectTests :: TestItem
> customDialectTests = Group "custom dialect tests" (map (ParseQueryExpr myDialect) sometests
> customDialectTests = Group "custom dialect tests" (map (uncurry ParseQueryExpr) passTests
> ++ [ParseScalarExprFails ansi2011 "SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')"])
> ++ map (uncurry ParseScalarExprFails) failTests )
> where
> where
> myDialect = ansi2011 {diKeywords = filter (/="date") (diKeywords ansi2011)}
> failTests = [(ansi2011,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
> sometests = ["SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')"]
> ,(ansi2011,"SELECT DATE")
> ,(dateApp,"SELECT DATE")
> ,(dateIden,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
> -- show this never being allowed as an alias
> ,(ansi2011,"SELECT a date")
> ,(dateApp,"SELECT a date")
> ,(dateIden,"SELECT a date")
> ]
> passTests = [(ansi2011,"SELECT a b")
> ,(noDateKeyword,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
> ,(noDateKeyword,"SELECT DATE")
> ,(dateApp,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
> ,(dateIden,"SELECT DATE")
> ]
> noDateKeyword = ansi2011 {diKeywords = filter (/="date") (diKeywords ansi2011)}
> dateIden = ansi2011 {diIdentifierKeywords = "date" : diIdentifierKeywords ansi2011}
> dateApp = ansi2011 {diAppKeywords = "date" : diAppKeywords ansi2011}
@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ cp website/main.css build
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# rendered test cases
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