refactor the symbol lexer a little
This commit is contained in:
@ -416,43 +416,30 @@ which allows the last character of a multi character symbol to be + or
> <*> option [] opMoreChars
> ]
> symbol d | diSyntaxFlavour d == SQLServer =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
> symbol d = Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
> where
> otherSymbol = many1 (char '.') :
> (map (string . (:[])) ",;():?"
> (map (string . (:[])) otherSymbolChars
> ++ if allowOdbc d
> then [string "{", string "}"]
> else [])
> otherSymbolChars =
> case diSyntaxFlavour d of
> SQLServer -> ",;():?"
> _ -> "[],;():?"
try is used because most of the first characters of the two character
symbols can also be part of a single character symbol
> regularOp = map (try . string) [">=","<=","!=","<>"]
> ++ map (string . (:[])) "+-^*/%~&<>="
> -- what about using many1 (char '|'), then it will
> -- fail in the parser? Not sure exactly how
> -- standalone the lexer should be
> ++ [char '|' *>
> choice ["||" <$ char '|' <* notFollowedBy (char '|')
> ,return "|"]]
> symbol d =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
> where
> otherSymbol = many1 (char '.') :
> (map (string . (:[])) "[],;():?"
> ++ if allowOdbc d
> then [string "{", string "}"]
> else [])
try is used because most of the first characters of the two character
symbols can also be part of a single character symbol
> regularOp = map (try . string) [">=","<=","!=","<>"]
> ++ map (string . (:[])) "+-^*/%~&<>=[]"
> ++ [char '|' *>
> choice ["||" <$ char '|' <* notFollowedBy (char '|')
> ,return "|"]]
> sqlWhitespace :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> sqlWhitespace _ = Whitespace <$> many1 (satisfy isSpace)
Reference in a new issue