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tidy up the tokensWillPrintAndLex function some more

This commit is contained in:
Jake Wheat 2016-02-15 20:34:28 +02:00
parent 36109ce584
commit b4c2276a1f

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@ -576,143 +576,136 @@ successes.
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b && tokenListWillPrintAndLex d (b:xs)
> tokensWillPrintAndLex :: Dialect -> Token -> Token -> Bool
TODO: add more memoization, e.g. create a wrapper which pretty prints
both tokens so the pretty printed token can be reused in multiple
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
a : followed by an identifier character will look like a host param
followed by = or : makes a different symbol
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d (Symbol ":") b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isIdentifierChar b' || b' `elem` ":=" = False
> | Symbol ":" <- a
> , checkFirstBChar (\x -> isIdentifierChar x || x `elem` ":=") = False
two symbols next to eachother will fail if the symbols can combine and
(possibly just the prefix) look like a different symbol, or if they
combine to look like comment markers
(possibly just the prefix) look like a different symbol
> tokensWillPrintAndLex (Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres}) (Symbol a) (Symbol x)
> | x `notElem` ["+", "-"] = False
> | or (map (`elem` a) "~!@#%^&|`?") = False
> | Dialect {diSyntaxFlavour = Postgres} <- d
> , Symbol a' <- a
> , Symbol b' <- b
> , b' `notElem` ["+", "-"] || or (map (`elem` a') "~!@#%^&|`?") = False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2)
> | (s1,s2) `elem`
> [("<",">")
> ,("<","=")
> ,(">","=")
> ,("!","=")
> ,("|","|")
> ,("||","|")
> ,("|","||")
> ,("||","||")
> ,("<",">=")
> ] = False
check two adjacent symbols in non postgres where the combination
possibilities are much more limited. This is ansi behaviour, it might
be different when the other dialects are done properly
List explicitly all the cases which should fail
> | Symbol a' <- a
> , Symbol b' <- b
> , (a',b') `elem` [("<",">")
> ,("<","=")
> ,(">","=")
> ,("!","=")
> ,("|","|")
> ,("||","|")
> ,("|","||")
> ,("||","||")
> ,("<",">=")
> ] = False
two whitespaces will be combined
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ Whitespace {} Whitespace {} = False
> | Whitespace {} <- a
> , Whitespace {} <- b = False
line comment without a newline at the end will eat the next token
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (LineComment s@(_:_)) _ = last s == '\n'
> | LineComment {} <- a
> , checkLastAChar (/='\n') = False
this should never happen, but the case satisfies the haskell compiler
and isn't exactly wrong
check the last character of the first token and the first character of
the second token forming a comment start or end symbol
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (LineComment []) _ = False
a token which ends with - followed by another token which starts with
- will turn into a line comment
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
> | (a'@(_:_),('-':_)) <- (prettyToken d a, prettyToken d b)
> , last a' == '-' = False
a token which ends with * followed by a / at the start of the next
token will cause a problem
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
> | (a'@(_:_),('/':_)) <- (prettyToken d a, prettyToken d b)
> , last a' == '*' = False
The reverse is a problem also: ending with / then the next one
starting with * will create the start of a block comment
todo: write a helper function for a predicate on the last char of the first token and the first char of the second token since this appears quite a few times
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d a b
> | (a'@(_:_),('*':_)) <- (prettyToken d a, prettyToken d b)
> , last a' == '/' = False
> | let f '-' '-' = True
> f '/' '*' = True
> f '*' '/' = True
> f _ _ = False
> in checkBorderChars f = False
a symbol will absorb a following .
TODO: not 100% on this
TODO: not 100% on this always being bad
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d Symbol {} b
> | ('.':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> | Symbol {} <- a
> , checkFirstBChar (=='.') = False
unquoted identifier followed by an identifier letter
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d (Identifier Nothing _) b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isIdentifierChar b' = False
> | Identifier Nothing _ <- a
> , checkFirstBChar isIdentifierChar = False
two quoted identifiers with the same quote next to each other will
parse back as one identifier with the quote symbol in the middle
a quoted identifier using ", followed by a " will fail
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ (Identifier (Just (_,[a])) _) (Identifier (Just ([b],_)) _)
> | a == b = False
> | Identifier (Just (_,"\"")) _ <- a
> , checkFirstBChar (=='"') = False
host param followed by an identifier char will be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d HostParam {} b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isIdentifierChar b' = False
> | HostParam {} <- a
> , checkFirstBChar isIdentifierChar = False
prefixed variable same:
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d PrefixedVariable {} b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isIdentifierChar b' = False
> | PrefixedVariable {} <- a
> , checkFirstBChar isIdentifierChar = False
a positional arg will absorb a following digit
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d PositionalArg {} b
> | (b':_) <- prettyToken d b
> , isDigit b' = False
> | PositionalArg {} <- a
> , checkFirstBChar isDigit = False
a string ending with ' followed by a token starting with ' will be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d (SqlString _q00 "'" _s0) b
> | ('\'':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> | SqlString _ "'" _ <- a
> , checkFirstBChar (=='\'') = False
a number followed by a . will fail or be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d SqlNumber {} b
> | ('.':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> | SqlNumber {} <- a
> , checkFirstBChar (=='.') = False
a number followed by an e or E will fail or be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex d SqlNumber {} b
> | ('e':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> | ('E':_) <- prettyToken d b = False
> | SqlNumber {} <- a
> , checkFirstBChar (\x -> x =='e' || x == 'E') = False
two numbers next to eachother will fail or be absorbed
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ SqlNumber {} SqlNumber {} = False
> | SqlNumber {} <- a
> , SqlNumber {} <- b = False
> | otherwise = True
> where
> prettya = prettyToken d a
> prettyb = prettyToken d b
> -- helper function to run a predicate on the
> -- last character of the first token and the first
> -- character of the second token
> checkBorderChars f
> | (_:_) <- prettya
> , (fb:_) <- prettyb
> , la <- last prettya
> = f la fb
> checkBorderChars _ = False
> checkFirstBChar f = case prettyb of
> (b':_) -> f b'
> _ -> False
> checkLastAChar f = case prettya of
> (_:_) -> f $ last prettya
> _ -> False
> tokensWillPrintAndLex _ _ _ = True
todo: special case lexer so a second ., and . and e are not
allowed after exponent when there is no whitespace, even if there
is an unambiguous parse
refactor the tokenswillprintlex to be based on pretty printing the
individual tokens
make the tokenswill print more dialect accurate. Maybe add symbol
chars and identifier chars to the dialect definition and use them from
@ -725,9 +718,6 @@ review existing tables
look for refactoring opportunities, especially the token
generation tables in the tests
add odbc as a dialect flag and include {} as symbols when enabled
do some user documentation on lexing, and lexing/dialects
start thinking about a more separated design for the dialect handling