all tests passing, switch to megaparsec provisionally complete
This commit is contained in:
@ -1175,13 +1175,13 @@ opTable bExpr =
[-- parse match and quantified comparisons as postfix ops
-- todo: left factor the quantified comparison with regular
-- binary comparison, somehow
[E.Postfix $ try quantifiedComparisonSuffix
,E.Postfix matchPredicateSuffix]
[postfix $ try quantifiedComparisonSuffix
,postfix matchPredicateSuffix]
,[binarySymL "."]
,[E.Postfix arraySuffix
,E.Postfix collateSuffix]
,[postfix arraySuffix
,postfix collateSuffix]
,[prefixSym "+", prefixSym "-"]
@ -1206,8 +1206,8 @@ opTable bExpr =
-- with 'in' in position function, and not between
-- between also has a try in it to deal with 'not'
-- ambiguity
,E.Postfix $ try inSuffix
,E.Postfix betweenSuffix]
,postfix $ try inSuffix
,postfix betweenSuffix]
-- todo: figure out where to put the try?
++ [binaryKeywordsN $ makeKeywordTree
["not like"
@ -1250,8 +1250,8 @@ opTable bExpr =
binaryKeywordN nm = E.InfixN (mkBinOp nm <$ keyword_ nm)
binaryKeywordL nm = E.InfixL (mkBinOp nm <$ keyword_ nm)
mkBinOp nm a b = BinOp a (mkNm nm) b
prefixSym nm = E.Prefix (PrefixOp (mkNm nm) <$ symbol_ nm)
prefixKeyword nm = E.Prefix (PrefixOp (mkNm nm) <$ keyword_ nm)
prefixSym nm = prefix (PrefixOp (mkNm nm) <$ symbol_ nm)
prefixKeyword nm = prefix (PrefixOp (mkNm nm) <$ keyword_ nm)
mkNm nm = [Name Nothing nm]
binaryKeywordsN p =
E.InfixN (do
@ -1265,20 +1265,12 @@ opTable bExpr =
d <- option SQDefault duplicates
pure (\a b -> MultisetBinOp a o d b))
postfixKeywords p =
E.Postfix $ do
postfix $ do
o <- try p
pure $ PostfixOp [Name Nothing $ T.unwords o]
-- hack from here
-- not implemented properly yet
-- I don't think this will be enough for all cases
-- at least it works for 'not not a'
-- ok: "x is not true is not true"
-- no work: "x is not true is not null"
prefix' p = E.Prefix . chainl1 p $ pure (.)
postfix' p = E.Postfix . chainl1 p $ pure (flip (.))-}
-- parse repeated prefix or postfix operators
postfix p = E.Postfix $ foldr1 (flip (.)) <$> some p
prefix p = E.Prefix $ foldr1 (.) <$> some p
== scalar expression top level
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
support table constraints without separating comma for sqlite
switch source from literate to regular haskell
use prettyprinter lib instead of pretty
nested block comments regressed - post a bug if you need this
fixed fixity parsing of union, except and intersect (matches postgres docs now)
0.6.1 added odbc handling to sqlsqerver dialect
added sqlserver dialect case for convert function
@ -147,30 +147,27 @@ offsetFetch = Group "offsetFetch" $ map (uncurry (TestQueryExpr ansi2011))
combos :: TestItem
combos = Group "combos" $ map (uncurry (TestQueryExpr ansi2011))
[("select a from t union select b from u"
,QueryExprSetOp ms1 Union SQDefault Respectively ms2)
,QueryExprSetOp mst Union SQDefault Respectively msu)
,("select a from t intersect select b from u"
,QueryExprSetOp ms1 Intersect SQDefault Respectively ms2)
,QueryExprSetOp mst Intersect SQDefault Respectively msu)
,("select a from t except all select b from u"
,QueryExprSetOp ms1 Except All Respectively ms2)
,QueryExprSetOp mst Except All Respectively msu)
,("select a from t union distinct corresponding \
\select b from u"
,QueryExprSetOp ms1 Union Distinct Corresponding ms2)
,QueryExprSetOp mst Union Distinct Corresponding msu)
,("select a from t union select a from t union select a from t"
-- TODO: union should be left associative. I think the others also
-- so this needs to be fixed (new optionSuffix variation which
-- handles this)
,QueryExprSetOp ms1 Union SQDefault Respectively
(QueryExprSetOp ms1 Union SQDefault Respectively ms1))
,QueryExprSetOp (QueryExprSetOp mst Union SQDefault Respectively mst)
Union SQDefault Respectively mst)
ms1 = makeSelect
mst = makeSelect
{qeSelectList = [(Iden [Name Nothing "a"],Nothing)]
,qeFrom = [TRSimple [Name Nothing "t"]]}
ms2 = makeSelect
msu = makeSelect
{qeSelectList = [(Iden [Name Nothing "b"],Nothing)]
,qeFrom = [TRSimple [Name Nothing "u"]]}
Reference in a new issue