-- Test for the lexer {- TODO: figure out a way to do quickcheck testing: 1. generate valid tokens and check they parse 2. combine two generated tokens together for the combo testing this especially will work much better for the postgresql extensible operator tests which doing exhaustively takes ages and doesn't bring much benefit over testing a few using quickcheck. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.LexerTests (lexerTests) where import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Lex (Token(..) ,tokenListWillPrintAndLex ) import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestRunners import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) --import Debug.Trace --import Data.Char (isAlpha) -- import Data.List lexerTests :: TestItem lexerTests = Group "lexerTests" $ [bootstrapTests ,ansiLexerTests ,postgresLexerTests ,sqlServerLexerTests ,oracleLexerTests ,mySqlLexerTests ,odbcLexerTests ] -- quick sanity tests to see something working bootstrapTests :: TestItem bootstrapTests = Group "bootstrap tests" $ [t "iden" [Identifier Nothing "iden"] ,t "\"a1normal \"\" iden\"" [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) "a1normal \"\" iden"] ,t "'string'" [SqlString "'" "'" "string"] ,t " " [Whitespace " "] ,t "\t " [Whitespace "\t "] ,t " \n " [Whitespace " \n "] ,t "--" [LineComment "--"] ,t "--\n" [LineComment "--\n"] ,t "--stuff" [LineComment "--stuff"] ,t "-- stuff" [LineComment "-- stuff"] ,t "-- stuff\n" [LineComment "-- stuff\n"] ,t "--\nstuff" [LineComment "--\n", Identifier Nothing "stuff"] ,t "-- com \nstuff" [LineComment "-- com \n", Identifier Nothing "stuff"] ,t "/*test1*/" [BlockComment "/*test1*/"] ,t "/**/" [BlockComment "/**/"] ,t "/***/" [BlockComment "/***/"] ,t "/* * */" [BlockComment "/* * */"] ,t "/*test*/" [BlockComment "/*test*/"] ,t "/*te/*st*/*/" [BlockComment "/*te/*st*/*/"] ,t "/*te*st*/" [BlockComment "/*te*st*/"] ,t "/*lines\nmore lines*/" [BlockComment "/*lines\nmore lines*/"] ,t "/*test1*/\n" [BlockComment "/*test1*/", Whitespace "\n"] ,t "/*test1*/stuff" [BlockComment "/*test1*/", Identifier Nothing "stuff"] ,t "1" [SqlNumber "1"] ,t "42" [SqlNumber "42"] ,tp "$1" [PositionalArg 1] ,tp "$200" [PositionalArg 200] ,t ":test" [PrefixedVariable ':' "test"] ] ++ map (\a -> t a [Symbol a]) ( ["!=", "<>", ">=", "<=", "||"] ++ map T.singleton ("(),-+*/<>=." :: [Char])) where t :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem t src ast = testLex ansi2011 src ast tp :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem tp src ast = testLex ansi2011{diPositionalArg=True} src ast ansiLexerTable :: [(Text,[Token])] ansiLexerTable = -- single char symbols map (\s -> (T.singleton s,[Symbol $ T.singleton s])) "+-^*/%~&|?<>[]=,;()" -- multi char symbols ++ map (\s -> (s,[Symbol s])) [">=","<=","!=","<>","||"] ++ (let idens = ["a", "_a", "test", "table", "Stuff", "STUFF"] -- simple identifiers in map (\i -> (i, [Identifier Nothing i])) idens <> map (\i -> ("\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) i])) idens -- todo: in order to make lex . pretty id, need to -- preserve the case of the u <> map (\i -> ("u&\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) i])) idens -- host param <> map (\i -> (T.cons ':' i, [PrefixedVariable ':' i])) idens ) -- quoted identifiers with embedded double quotes -- the lexer doesn't unescape the quotes ++ [("\"anormal \"\" iden\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) "anormal \"\" iden"])] -- strings -- the lexer doesn't apply escapes at all ++ [("'string'", [SqlString "'" "'" "string"]) ,("'normal '' quote'", [SqlString "'" "'" "normal '' quote"]) ,("'normalendquote '''", [SqlString "'" "'" "normalendquote ''"]) ,("'\n'", [SqlString "'" "'" "\n"])] -- csstrings ++ map (\c -> (c <> "'test'", [SqlString (c <> "'") "'" "test"])) ["n", "N","b", "B","x", "X", "u&"] -- numbers ++ [("10", [SqlNumber "10"]) ,(".1", [SqlNumber ".1"]) ,("5e3", [SqlNumber "5e3"]) ,("5e+3", [SqlNumber "5e+3"]) ,("5e-3", [SqlNumber "5e-3"]) ,("10.2", [SqlNumber "10.2"]) ,("10.2e7", [SqlNumber "10.2e7"])] -- whitespace ++ concat [[(T.singleton a,[Whitespace $ T.singleton a]) ,(T.singleton a <> T.singleton b, [Whitespace (T.singleton a <> T.singleton b)])] | a <- " \n\t", b <- " \n\t"] -- line comment ++ map (\c -> (c, [LineComment c])) ["--", "-- ", "-- this is a comment", "-- line com\n"] -- block comment ++ map (\c -> (c, [BlockComment c])) ["/**/", "/* */","/* this is a comment */" ,"/* this *is/ a comment */" ] ansiLexerTests :: TestItem ansiLexerTests = Group "ansiLexerTests" $ [Group "ansi lexer token tests" $ [l s t | (s,t) <- ansiLexerTable] ,Group "ansi generated combination lexer tests" $ [ l (s <> s1) (t <> t1) | (s,t) <- ansiLexerTable , (s1,t1) <- ansiLexerTable , tokenListWillPrintAndLex ansi2011 $ t <> t1 ] ,Group "ansiadhoclexertests" $ [l "" [] ,l "-- line com\nstuff" [LineComment "-- line com\n",Identifier Nothing "stuff"] ] ++ [-- want to make sure this gives a parse error f "*/" -- combinations of pipes: make sure they fail because they could be -- ambiguous and it is really unclear when they are or not, and -- what the result is even when they are not ambiguous ,f "|||" ,f "||||" ,f "|||||" -- another user experience thing: make sure extra trailing -- number chars are rejected rather than attempting to parse -- if the user means to write something that is rejected by this code, -- then they can use whitespace to make it clear and then it will parse ,f "12e3e4" ,f "12e3e4" ,f "12e3e4" ,f "12e3.4" ,f "12.4.5" ,f "12.4e5.6" ,f "12.4e5e7"] ] where l :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem l src ast = testLex ansi2011 src ast f :: HasCallStack => Text -> TestItem f src = lexFails ansi2011 src {- todo: lexing tests do quickcheck testing: can try to generate valid tokens then check they parse same as above: can also try to pair tokens, create an accurate function to say which ones can appear adjacent, and test I think this plus the explicit lists of tokens like above which do basic sanity + explicit edge casts will provide a high level of assurance. -} postgresLexerTable :: [(Text,[Token])] postgresLexerTable = -- single char symbols map (\s -> (T.singleton s,[Symbol $ T.singleton s])) "+-^*/%~&|?<>[]=,;():" -- multi char symbols ++ map (\s -> (s,[Symbol s])) [">=","<=","!=","<>","||", "::","..",":="] -- generic symbols ++ (let idens = ["a", "_a", "test", "table", "Stuff", "STUFF"] -- simple identifiers in map (\i -> (i, [Identifier Nothing i])) idens ++ map (\i -> ("\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) i])) idens -- todo: in order to make lex . pretty id, need to -- preserve the case of the u ++ map (\i -> ("u&\"" <> i <> "\"", [Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) i])) idens -- host param ++ map (\i -> (T.cons ':' i, [PrefixedVariable ':' i])) idens ) -- positional var ++ [("$1", [PositionalArg 1])] -- quoted identifiers with embedded double quotes ++ [("\"normal \"\" iden\"", [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) "normal \"\" iden"])] -- strings ++ [("'string'", [SqlString "'" "'" "string"]) ,("'normal '' quote'", [SqlString "'" "'" "normal '' quote"]) ,("'normalendquote '''", [SqlString "'" "'" "normalendquote ''"]) ,("'\n'", [SqlString "'" "'" "\n"]) ,("E'\n'", [SqlString "E'" "'" "\n"]) ,("e'this '' quote'", [SqlString "e'" "'" "this '' quote"]) ,("e'this \\' quote'", [SqlString "e'" "'" "this \\' quote"]) ,("'not this \\' quote", [SqlString "'" "'" "not this \\" ,Whitespace " " ,Identifier Nothing "quote"]) ,("$$ string 1 $$", [SqlString "$$" "$$" " string 1 "]) ,("$$ string $ 2 $$", [SqlString "$$" "$$" " string $ 2 "]) ,("$a$ $$string 3$$ $a$", [SqlString "$a$" "$a$" " $$string 3$$ "]) ] -- csstrings ++ map (\c -> (c <> "'test'", [SqlString (c <> "'") "'" "test"])) ["n", "N","b", "B","x", "X", "u&", "e", "E"] -- numbers ++ [("10", [SqlNumber "10"]) ,(".1", [SqlNumber ".1"]) ,("5e3", [SqlNumber "5e3"]) ,("5e+3", [SqlNumber "5e+3"]) ,("5e-3", [SqlNumber "5e-3"]) ,("10.2", [SqlNumber "10.2"]) ,("10.2e7", [SqlNumber "10.2e7"])] -- whitespace ++ concat [[(T.singleton a,[Whitespace $ T.singleton a]) ,(T.singleton a <> T.singleton b, [Whitespace $ T.singleton a <> T.singleton b])] | a <- " \n\t", b <- " \n\t"] -- line comment ++ map (\c -> (c, [LineComment c])) ["--", "-- ", "-- this is a comment", "-- line com\n"] -- block comment ++ map (\c -> (c, [BlockComment c])) ["/**/", "/* */","/* this is a comment */" ,"/* this *is/ a comment */" ] {- An operator name is a sequence of up to NAMEDATALEN-1 (63 by default) characters from the following list: + - * / < > = ~ ! @ # % ^ & | ` ? There are a few restrictions on operator names, however: -- and /* cannot appear anywhere in an operator name, since they will be taken as the start of a comment. A multiple-character operator name cannot end in + or -, unless the name also contains at least one of these characters: ~ ! @ # % ^ & | ` ? todo: 'negative' tests symbol then -- symbol then /* operators without one of the exception chars followed by + or - without whitespace also: do the testing for the ansi compatibility special cases -} postgresShortOperatorTable :: [(Text,[Token])] postgresShortOperatorTable = [ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 2] postgresExtraOperatorTable :: [(Text,[Token])] postgresExtraOperatorTable = [ (x, [Symbol x]) | x <- someValidPostgresOperators 4] someValidPostgresOperators :: Int -> [Text] someValidPostgresOperators l = [ x | n <- [1..l] , x <- combos "+-*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?" n , not ("--" `T.isInfixOf` x || "/*" `T.isInfixOf` x || "*/" `T.isInfixOf` x) , not (T.last x `T.elem` "+-") || or (map (`T.elem` x) "~!@#%^&|`?") ] {- These are postgres operators, which if followed immediately by a + or -, will lex as separate operators rather than one operator including the + or -. -} somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus :: Int -> [Text] somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus l = [ x | n <- [1..l] , x <- combos "+-*/<>=" n , not ("--" `T.isInfixOf` x || "/*" `T.isInfixOf` x || "*/" `T.isInfixOf` x) , not (T.last x `T.elem` "+-") ] postgresLexerTests :: TestItem postgresLexerTests = Group "postgresLexerTests" $ [Group "postgres lexer token tests" $ [l s t | (s,t) <- postgresLexerTable] ,Group "postgres generated lexer token tests" $ [l s t | (s,t) <- postgresShortOperatorTable ++ postgresExtraOperatorTable] ,Group "postgres generated combination lexer tests" $ [ l (s <> s1) (t <> t1) | (s,t) <- postgresLexerTable ++ postgresShortOperatorTable , (s1,t1) <- postgresLexerTable ++ postgresShortOperatorTable , tokenListWillPrintAndLex postgres $ t ++ t1 ] ,Group "generated postgres edgecase lexertests" $ [l s t | (s,t) <- edgeCaseCommentOps ++ edgeCasePlusMinusOps ++ edgeCasePlusMinusComments] ,Group "adhoc postgres lexertests" $ -- need more tests for */ to make sure it is caught if it is in the middle of a -- sequence of symbol letters [f "*/" ,f ":::" ,f "::::" ,f ":::::" ,f "@*/" ,f "-*/" ,f "12e3e4" ,f "12e3e4" ,f "12e3e4" ,f "12e3.4" ,f "12.4.5" ,f "12.4e5.6" ,f "12.4e5e7" -- special case allow this to lex to 1 .. 2 -- this is for 'for loops' in plpgsql ,l "1..2" [SqlNumber "1", Symbol "..", SqlNumber "2"] ] ] where edgeCaseCommentOps = [ (x <> "/* "-- "+", [Symbol x, Symbol "+"]) , (x <> "-", [Symbol x, Symbol "-"]) ] | x <- somePostgresOpsWhichWontAddTrailingPlusMinus 2 ] edgeCasePlusMinusComments = [("---", [LineComment "---"]) ,("+--", [Symbol "+", LineComment "--"]) ,("-/**/", [Symbol "-", BlockComment "/**/"]) ,("+/**/", [Symbol "+", BlockComment "/**/"]) ] l :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem l src ast = testLex postgres src ast f :: HasCallStack => Text -> TestItem f src = lexFails postgres src sqlServerLexerTests :: TestItem sqlServerLexerTests = Group "sqlServerLexTests" $ [l s t | (s,t) <- [("@variable", [(PrefixedVariable '@' "variable")]) ,("#variable", [(PrefixedVariable '#' "variable")]) ,("[quoted identifier]", [(Identifier (Just ("[", "]")) "quoted identifier")]) ]] where l :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem l src ast = testLex sqlserver src ast oracleLexerTests :: TestItem oracleLexerTests = Group "oracleLexTests" $ [] -- nothing oracle specific atm mySqlLexerTests :: TestItem mySqlLexerTests = Group "mySqlLexerTests" $ [ l s t | (s,t) <- [("`quoted identifier`", [(Identifier (Just ("`", "`")) "quoted identifier")]) ] ] where l :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem l src ast = testLex mysql src ast odbcLexerTests :: TestItem odbcLexerTests = Group "odbcLexTests" $ [ lo s t | (s,t) <- [("{}", [Symbol "{", Symbol "}"]) ]] ++ [lno "{" ,lno "}"] where lo :: HasCallStack => Text -> [Token] -> TestItem lo src ast = testLex (sqlserver {diOdbc = True}) src ast lno :: HasCallStack => Text -> TestItem lno src = lexFails (sqlserver{diOdbc = False}) src combos :: [Char] -> Int -> [Text] combos _ 0 = [T.empty] combos l n = [ T.cons x tl | x <- l, tl <- combos l (n - 1) ]