update changelog rename the github project to use - instead of underscores, update docs, etc., update website and upload new hackage version close together check new website do release change old simple_sql_parser project to just point to new location + web site point to new next release: add to website: pretty printed tpch, maybe other queries as demonstration add preamble to the rendered test page review tests to copy from hssqlppp collate? -> postfix operator which binds very tightly: a < 'foo' collate 'C' -> Op "<" [Iden "a", SpecialOp "collate" [StringLit 'foo', StringLit 'C']] also postfix in order by: select a from t order by a collate 'C': add to order by syntax, one collation per column have to do fixity for this to work all ansi string literal syntax? check ansi standard for operators much more table reference tests, for joins and aliases etc. review internal sql collection for more syntax/tests review syntax to replace maybe and bool with better ctors ---- add toc to rendered test page move supported sql summary to separate page add some examples to home page add links from the supported sql page to the rendered test page for each section ---- demo: convert tpch to sql server syntax exe processor ---- dialect framework try to implement fixity without the hse hack position annotation? review abstract syntax (e.g. combine App with SpecialOp?) ---- Later general tasks: more operators sql server top syntax named windows extended string literals, escapes and other flavours (like pg and oracle custom delimiters) run through other manuals for example queries and features: sql in a nutshell, sql guide, sql reference guide, sql standard, sql server manual, oracle manual, teradata manual + re-through postgresql manual and make notes in each case of all syntax and which isn't currently supported also. check the order of exports, imports and functions/cases in the files fix up the import namespaces/explicit names nicely do some tests for parse errors? left factor parsing code in remaining places quasi quotes? ast checker: checks the ast represents valid syntax, the parser doesn't check as much as it could, and this can also be used to check generated trees. Maybe this doesn't belong in this package though? = sql support proper character sets for identifiers, escapes, etc. placeholder/positional arg full number literals -> other bases? apply, pivot within group aggregate syntax try to do full review of sql2003 query syntax make ansi dialect which only supports ansi sql. Maybe there is a use for a separate SQL 92, 99 and 2003 dialects? other dialect targets: postgres oracle teradata ms sql server mysql? db2? maybe later: other dml insert, update, delete, truncate, merge + set, show? copy, execute?, explain?, begin/end/rollback?