This is the main tests module which exposes the test data plus the
Test.Framework tests. It also contains the code which converts the
test data to the Test.Framework tests.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Tests
    ) where

import qualified Test.Tasty as T
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as H

--import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Pretty
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Parse
import qualified Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Lex as Lex

import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes

import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.FullQueries
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.GroupBy
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Postgres
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.QueryExprComponents
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.QueryExprs
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TableRefs
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.ScalarExprs
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Odbc
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Tpch
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.LexerTests
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.EmptyStatement
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.CreateIndex

import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011Queries
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011AccessControl
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011Bits
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011DataManipulation
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011Schema

import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.MySQL
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Oracle
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.CustomDialect

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

Order the tests to start from the simplest first. This is also the
order on the generated documentation.

testData :: TestItem
testData =
    Group "parserTest"

tests :: T.TestTree
tests = itemToTest testData

--runTests :: IO ()
--runTests = void $ H.runTestTT $ itemToTest testData

itemToTest :: TestItem -> T.TestTree
itemToTest (Group nm ts) =
    T.testGroup (T.unpack nm) $ map itemToTest ts
itemToTest (TestScalarExpr d str expected) =
    toTest parseScalarExpr prettyScalarExpr d str expected
itemToTest (TestQueryExpr d str expected) =
    toTest parseQueryExpr prettyQueryExpr d str expected
itemToTest (TestStatement d str expected) =
    toTest parseStatement prettyStatement d str expected
itemToTest (TestStatements d str expected) =
    toTest parseStatements prettyStatements d str expected
itemToTest (ParseQueryExpr d str) =
    toPTest parseQueryExpr prettyQueryExpr d str

itemToTest (ParseQueryExprFails d str) =
    toFTest parseQueryExpr prettyQueryExpr d str

itemToTest (ParseScalarExprFails d str) =
    toFTest parseScalarExpr prettyScalarExpr d str

itemToTest (LexTest d s ts) = makeLexerTest d s ts
itemToTest (LexFails d s) = makeLexingFailsTest d s

makeLexerTest :: Dialect -> Text -> [Lex.Token] -> T.TestTree
makeLexerTest d s ts = H.testCase (T.unpack s) $ do
    let ts1 = either (error . T.unpack . Lex.prettyError) id $ Lex.lexSQL d "" Nothing s
    H.assertEqual "" ts ts1
    let s' = Lex.prettyTokens d $ ts1
    H.assertEqual "pretty print" s s'

makeLexingFailsTest :: Dialect -> Text -> T.TestTree
makeLexingFailsTest d s = H.testCase (T.unpack s) $ do
    case Lex.lexSQL d "" Nothing s of
         Right x -> H.assertFailure $ "lexing should have failed: " ++ T.unpack s ++ "\ngot: " ++ show x
         Left _ -> pure ()

toTest :: (Eq a, Show a) =>
          (Dialect -> Text -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> Text -> Either ParseError a)
       -> (Dialect -> a -> Text)
       -> Dialect
       -> Text
       -> a
       -> T.TestTree
toTest parser pp d str expected = H.testCase (T.unpack str) $ do
        let egot = parser d "" Nothing str
        case egot of
            Left e -> H.assertFailure $ T.unpack $ prettyError e
            Right got -> do
                H.assertEqual "" expected got
                let str' = pp d got
                let egot' = parser d "" Nothing str'
                case egot' of
                    Left e' -> H.assertFailure $ "pp roundtrip"
                                                 ++ "\n" ++ (T.unpack str')
                                                 ++ (T.unpack $ prettyError e')
                    Right got' -> H.assertEqual
                                  ("pp roundtrip" ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack str')
                                   expected got'

toPTest :: (Eq a, Show a) =>
          (Dialect -> Text -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> Text -> Either ParseError a)
       -> (Dialect -> a -> Text)
       -> Dialect
       -> Text
       -> T.TestTree
toPTest parser pp d str = H.testCase (T.unpack str) $ do
        let egot = parser d "" Nothing str
        case egot of
            Left e -> H.assertFailure $ T.unpack $ prettyError e
            Right got -> do
                let str' = pp d got
                let egot' = parser d "" Nothing str'
                case egot' of
                    Left e' -> H.assertFailure $ "pp roundtrip "
                                                 ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack str' ++ "\n"
                                                 ++ T.unpack (prettyError e')
                    Right _got' -> return ()

toFTest :: (Eq a, Show a) =>
          (Dialect -> Text -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> Text -> Either ParseError a)
       -> (Dialect -> a -> Text)
       -> Dialect
       -> Text
       -> T.TestTree
toFTest parser _pp d str = H.testCase (T.unpack str) $ do
        let egot = parser d "" Nothing str
        case egot of
            Left _e -> return ()
            Right _got ->
              H.assertFailure $ "parse didn't fail: " ++ show d ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack str