Section 12 in Foundation

grant, etc

> module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.SQL2011AccessControl (sql2011AccessControlTests) where

> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax

> sql2011AccessControlTests :: TestItem
> sql2011AccessControlTests = Group "sql 2011 access control tests" [

12 Access control

12.1 <grant statement>

<grant statement> ::=
    <grant privilege statement>
  | <grant role statement>

12.2 <grant privilege statement>

<grant privilege statement> ::=
  GRANT <privileges> TO <grantee> [ { <comma> <grantee> }... ]
      [ GRANTED BY <grantor> ]

12.3 <privileges>
<privileges> ::=
  <object privileges> ON <object name>

<object name> ::=
      [ TABLE ] <table name>
  |   DOMAIN <domain name>
  |   COLLATION <collation name>
  |   CHARACTER SET <character set name>
  |   TRANSLATION <transliteration name>
  |   TYPE <schema-resolved user-defined type name>
  |   SEQUENCE <sequence generator name>
  |   <specific routine designator>

<object privileges> ::=
  | <action> [ { <comma> <action> }... ]

<action> ::=
  | SELECT <left paren> <privilege column list> <right paren>
  | SELECT <left paren> <privilege method list> <right paren>
  | INSERT [ <left paren> <privilege column list> <right paren> ]
  | UPDATE [ <left paren> <privilege column list> <right paren> ]
  | REFERENCES [ <left paren> <privilege column list> <right paren> ]

<privilege method list> ::=
  <specific routine designator> [ { <comma> <specific routine designator> }... ]

<privilege column list> ::=
  <column name list>

<grantee> ::=
  | <authorization identifier>

<grantor> ::=

>      (TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on tbl1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "tbl1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on tbl1 to role1,role2"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "tbl1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1",Name Nothing "role2"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on tbl1 to role1 with grant option"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "tbl1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on table tbl1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "tbl1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on domain mydom to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivDomain [Name Nothing "mydom"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on type t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivType [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant all privileges on sequence s1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivAll]
>        (PrivSequence [Name Nothing "s1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant select on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivSelect []]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant select(a,b) on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivSelect [Name Nothing "a", Name Nothing "b"]]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant delete on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivDelete]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant insert on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivInsert []]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant insert(a,b) on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivInsert [Name Nothing "a", Name Nothing "b"]]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant update on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivUpdate []]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant update(a,b) on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivUpdate [Name Nothing "a", Name Nothing "b"]]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant references on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivReferences []]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant references(a,b) on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivReferences [Name Nothing "a", Name Nothing "b"]]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant usage on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivUsage]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant trigger on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivTrigger]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant execute on specific function f to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivExecute]
>        (PrivFunction [Name Nothing "f"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant select,delete on table t1 to role1"
>      $ GrantPrivilege [PrivSelect [], PrivDelete]
>        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>        [Name Nothing "role1"] WithoutGrantOption)

skipping for now:

what is 'under' action?

collation, character set, translation, member thing, methods

for review

some pretty big things missing in the standard:

schema, database

functions, etc., by argument types since they can be overloaded

12.4 <role definition>

<role definition> ::=
  CREATE ROLE <role name> [ WITH ADMIN <grantor> ]

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "create role rolee"
>      $ CreateRole (Name Nothing "rolee"))

12.5 <grant role statement>

<grant role statement> ::=
  GRANT <role granted> [ { <comma> <role granted> }... ]
      TO <grantee> [ { <comma> <grantee> }... ]
      [ GRANTED BY <grantor> ]

<role granted> ::=
  <role name>

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant role1 to public"
>      $ GrantRole [Name Nothing "role1"] [Name Nothing "public"] WithoutAdminOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant role1,role2 to role3,role4"
>      $ GrantRole [Name Nothing "role1",Name Nothing "role2"]
>                  [Name Nothing "role3", Name Nothing "role4"] WithoutAdminOption)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "grant role1 to role3 with admin option"
>      $ GrantRole [Name Nothing "role1"] [Name Nothing "role3"] WithAdminOption)

12.6 <drop role statement>

<drop role statement> ::=
  DROP ROLE <role name>

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "drop role rolee"
>      $ DropRole (Name Nothing "rolee"))

12.7 <revoke statement>

<revoke statement> ::=
    <revoke privilege statement>
  | <revoke role statement>

<revoke privilege statement> ::=
  REVOKE [ <revoke option extension> ] <privileges>
      FROM <grantee> [ { <comma> <grantee> }... ]
      [ GRANTED BY <grantor> ]
      <drop behavior>

<revoke option extension> ::=

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "revoke select on t1 from role1"
>      $ RevokePrivilege NoGrantOptionFor [PrivSelect []]
>               (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>               [Name Nothing "role1"] DefaultDropBehaviour)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "revoke grant option for select on t1 from role1,role2 cascade"
>      $ RevokePrivilege GrantOptionFor [PrivSelect []]
>                        (PrivTable [Name Nothing "t1"])
>               [Name Nothing "role1",Name Nothing "role2"] Cascade)

<revoke role statement> ::=
  REVOKE [ ADMIN OPTION FOR ] <role revoked> [ { <comma> <role revoked> }... ]
      FROM <grantee> [ { <comma> <grantee> }... ]
      [ GRANTED BY <grantor> ]
      <drop behavior>

<role revoked> ::=
  <role name>

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "revoke role1 from role2"
>      $ RevokeRole NoAdminOptionFor [Name Nothing "role1"]
>                   [Name Nothing "role2"] DefaultDropBehaviour)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "revoke role1,role2 from role3,role4"
>      $ RevokeRole NoAdminOptionFor [Name Nothing "role1",Name Nothing "role2"]
>                   [Name Nothing "role3",Name Nothing "role4"] DefaultDropBehaviour)

>     ,(TestStatement ansi2011
>       "revoke admin option for role1 from role2 cascade"
>      $ RevokeRole AdminOptionFor [Name Nothing "role1"] [Name Nothing "role2"] Cascade)

>    ]