-- Tests for parsing scalar expressions {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.ScalarExprs (scalarExprTests) where import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax scalarExprTests :: TestItem scalarExprTests = Group "scalarExprTests" [literals ,identifiers ,star ,parameter ,dots ,app ,caseexp ,convertfun ,operators ,parens ,subqueries ,aggregates ,windowFunctions ,functionsWithReservedNames ] literals :: TestItem literals = Group "literals" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("3", NumLit "3") ,("3.", NumLit "3.") ,("3.3", NumLit "3.3") ,(".3", NumLit ".3") ,("3.e3", NumLit "3.e3") ,("3.3e3", NumLit "3.3e3") ,(".3e3", NumLit ".3e3") ,("3e3", NumLit "3e3") ,("3e+3", NumLit "3e+3") ,("3e-3", NumLit "3e-3") ,("'string'", StringLit "'" "'" "string") ,("'string with a '' quote'", StringLit "'" "'" "string with a '' quote") ,("'1'", StringLit "'" "'" "1") ,("interval '3' day" ,IntervalLit Nothing "3" (Itf "day" Nothing) Nothing) ,("interval '3' day (3)" ,IntervalLit Nothing "3" (Itf "day" $ Just (3,Nothing)) Nothing) ,("interval '3 weeks'", TypedLit (TypeName [Name Nothing "interval"]) "3 weeks") ] identifiers :: TestItem identifiers = Group "identifiers" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("iden1", Iden [Name Nothing "iden1"]) --,("t.a", Iden2 "t" "a") ,("\"quoted identifier\"", Iden [Name (Just ("\"","\"")) "quoted identifier"]) ,("\"from\"", Iden [Name (Just ("\"","\"")) "from"]) ] star :: TestItem star = Group "star" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("*", Star) --,("t.*", Star2 "t") --,("ROW(t.*,42)", App "ROW" [Star2 "t", NumLit "42"]) ] parameter :: TestItem parameter = Group "parameter" [TestScalarExpr ansi2011 "?" Parameter ,TestScalarExpr postgres "$13" $ PositionalArg 13] dots :: TestItem dots = Group "dot" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("t.a", Iden [Name Nothing "t",Name Nothing "a"]) ,("t.*", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "t"]) [Name Nothing "."] Star) ,("a.b.c", Iden [Name Nothing "a",Name Nothing "b",Name Nothing "c"]) ,("ROW(t.*,42)", App [Name Nothing "ROW"] [BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "t"]) [Name Nothing "."] Star, NumLit "42"]) ] app :: TestItem app = Group "app" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("f()", App [Name Nothing "f"] []) ,("f(a)", App [Name Nothing "f"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]]) ,("f(a,b)", App [Name Nothing "f"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"], Iden [Name Nothing "b"]]) ] caseexp :: TestItem caseexp = Group "caseexp" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("case a when 1 then 2 end" ,Case (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [([NumLit "1"] ,NumLit "2")] Nothing) ,("case a when 1 then 2 when 3 then 4 end" ,Case (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [([NumLit "1"], NumLit "2") ,([NumLit "3"], NumLit "4")] Nothing) ,("case a when 1 then 2 when 3 then 4 else 5 end" ,Case (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [([NumLit "1"], NumLit "2") ,([NumLit "3"], NumLit "4")] (Just $ NumLit "5")) ,("case when a=1 then 2 when a=3 then 4 else 5 end" ,Case Nothing [([BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "="] (NumLit "1")], NumLit "2") ,([BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "="] (NumLit "3")], NumLit "4")] (Just $ NumLit "5")) ,("case a when 1,2 then 10 when 3,4 then 20 end" ,Case (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [([NumLit "1",NumLit "2"] ,NumLit "10") ,([NumLit "3",NumLit "4"] ,NumLit "20")] Nothing) ] convertfun :: TestItem convertfun = Group "convert" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr sqlserver)) [("CONVERT(varchar, 25.65)" ,Convert (TypeName [Name Nothing "varchar"]) (NumLit "25.65") Nothing) ,("CONVERT(datetime, '2017-08-25')" ,Convert (TypeName [Name Nothing "datetime"]) (StringLit "'" "'" "2017-08-25") Nothing) ,("CONVERT(varchar, '2017-08-25', 101)" ,Convert (TypeName [Name Nothing "varchar"]) (StringLit "'" "'" "2017-08-25") (Just 101)) ] operators :: TestItem operators = Group "operators" [binaryOperators ,unaryOperators ,casts ,miscOps] binaryOperators :: TestItem binaryOperators = Group "binaryOperators" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("a + b", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "+"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) -- sanity check fixities -- todo: add more fixity checking ,("a + b * c" ,BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "+"] (BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "b"]) [Name Nothing "*"] (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]))) ,("a * b + c" ,BinOp (BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "*"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) [Name Nothing "+"] (Iden [Name Nothing "c"])) ] unaryOperators :: TestItem unaryOperators = Group "unaryOperators" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("not a", PrefixOp [Name Nothing "not"] $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) ,("not not a", PrefixOp [Name Nothing "not"] $ PrefixOp [Name Nothing "not"] $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) ,("+a", PrefixOp [Name Nothing "+"] $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) ,("-a", PrefixOp [Name Nothing "-"] $ Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) ] casts :: TestItem casts = Group "operators" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("cast('1' as int)" ,Cast (StringLit "'" "'" "1") $ TypeName [Name Nothing "int"]) ,("int '3'" ,TypedLit (TypeName [Name Nothing "int"]) "3") ,("cast('1' as double precision)" ,Cast (StringLit "'" "'" "1") $ TypeName [Name Nothing "double precision"]) ,("cast('1' as float(8))" ,Cast (StringLit "'" "'" "1") $ PrecTypeName [Name Nothing "float"] 8) ,("cast('1' as decimal(15,2))" ,Cast (StringLit "'" "'" "1") $ PrecScaleTypeName [Name Nothing "decimal"] 15 2) ,("double precision '3'" ,TypedLit (TypeName [Name Nothing "double precision"]) "3") ] subqueries :: TestItem subqueries = Group "unaryOperators" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("exists (select a from t)", SubQueryExpr SqExists ms) ,("(select a from t)", SubQueryExpr SqSq ms) ,("a in (select a from t)" ,In True (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) (InQueryExpr ms)) ,("a not in (select a from t)" ,In False (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) (InQueryExpr ms)) ,("a > all (select a from t)" ,QuantifiedComparison (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing ">"] CPAll ms) ,("a = some (select a from t)" ,QuantifiedComparison (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "="] CPSome ms) ,("a <= any (select a from t)" ,QuantifiedComparison (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "<="] CPAny ms) ] where ms = makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Iden [Name Nothing "a"],Nothing)] ,qeFrom = [TRSimple [Name Nothing "t"]] } miscOps :: TestItem miscOps = Group "unaryOperators" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("a in (1,2,3)" ,In True (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) $ InList $ map NumLit ["1","2","3"]) ,("a is null", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is null"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is not null", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is not null"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is true", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is true"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is not true", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is not true"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is false", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is false"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is not false", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is not false"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is unknown", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is unknown"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is not unknown", PostfixOp [Name Nothing "is not unknown"] (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("a is distinct from b", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "is distinct from"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) ,("a is not distinct from b" ,BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "is not distinct from"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) ,("a like b", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "like"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) ,("a not like b", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "not like"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) ,("a is similar to b", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "is similar to"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) ,("a is not similar to b" ,BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "is not similar to"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) ,("a overlaps b", BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "overlaps"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"])) -- special operators ,("a between b and c", SpecialOp [Name Nothing "between"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"] ,Iden [Name Nothing "b"] ,Iden [Name Nothing "c"]]) ,("a not between b and c", SpecialOp [Name Nothing "not between"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"] ,Iden [Name Nothing "b"] ,Iden [Name Nothing "c"]]) ,("(1,2)" ,SpecialOp [Name Nothing "rowctor"] [NumLit "1", NumLit "2"]) -- keyword special operators ,("extract(day from t)" , SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "extract"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "day"]) [("from", Iden [Name Nothing "t"])]) ,("substring(x from 1 for 2)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "substring"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "x"]) [("from", NumLit "1") ,("for", NumLit "2")]) ,("substring(x from 1)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "substring"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "x"]) [("from", NumLit "1")]) ,("substring(x for 2)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "substring"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "x"]) [("for", NumLit "2")]) ,("substring(x from 1 for 2 collate C)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "substring"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "x"]) [("from", NumLit "1") ,("for", Collate (NumLit "2") [Name Nothing "C"])]) -- this doesn't work because of a overlap in the 'in' parser ,("POSITION( string1 IN string2 )" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "position"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "string1"]) [("in", Iden [Name Nothing "string2"])]) ,("CONVERT(char_value USING conversion_char_name)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "convert"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "char_value"]) [("using", Iden [Name Nothing "conversion_char_name"])]) ,("TRANSLATE(char_value USING translation_name)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "translate"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "char_value"]) [("using", Iden [Name Nothing "translation_name"])]) {- OVERLAY(string PLACING embedded_string FROM start [FOR length]) -} ,("OVERLAY(string PLACING embedded_string FROM start)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "overlay"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "string"]) [("placing", Iden [Name Nothing "embedded_string"]) ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "start"])]) ,("OVERLAY(string PLACING embedded_string FROM start FOR length)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "overlay"] (Just $ Iden [Name Nothing "string"]) [("placing", Iden [Name Nothing "embedded_string"]) ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "start"]) ,("for", Iden [Name Nothing "length"])]) {- TRIM( [ [{LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH}] [removal_char] FROM ] target_string [COLLATE collation_name] ) -} ,("trim(from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("both", StringLit "'" "'" " ") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ,("trim(leading from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("leading", StringLit "'" "'" " ") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ,("trim(trailing from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("trailing", StringLit "'" "'" " ") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ,("trim(both from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("both", StringLit "'" "'" " ") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ,("trim(leading 'x' from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("leading", StringLit "'" "'" "x") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ,("trim(trailing 'y' from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("trailing", StringLit "'" "'" "y") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ,("trim(both 'z' from target_string collate C)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("both", StringLit "'" "'" "z") ,("from", Collate (Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"]) [Name Nothing "C"])]) ,("trim(leading from target_string)" ,SpecialOpK [Name Nothing "trim"] Nothing [("leading", StringLit "'" "'" " ") ,("from", Iden [Name Nothing "target_string"])]) ] aggregates :: TestItem aggregates = Group "aggregates" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("count(*)",App [Name Nothing "count"] [Star]) ,("sum(a order by a)" ,AggregateApp [Name Nothing "sum"] SQDefault [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] Nothing) ,("sum(all a)" ,AggregateApp [Name Nothing "sum"] All [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [] Nothing) ,("count(distinct a)" ,AggregateApp [Name Nothing "count"] Distinct [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [] Nothing) ] windowFunctions :: TestItem windowFunctions = Group "windowFunctions" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("max(a) over ()", WindowApp [Name Nothing "max"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [] [] Nothing) ,("count(*) over ()", WindowApp [Name Nothing "count"] [Star] [] [] Nothing) ,("max(a) over (partition by b)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "max"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [] Nothing) ,("max(a) over (partition by b,c)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "max"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"],Iden [Name Nothing "c"]] [] Nothing) ,("sum(a) over (order by b)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "b"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] Nothing) ,("sum(a) over (order by b desc,c)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "b"]) Desc NullsOrderDefault ,SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] Nothing) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] Nothing) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c range unbounded preceding)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] $ Just $ FrameFrom FrameRange UnboundedPreceding) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c range 5 preceding)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] $ Just $ FrameFrom FrameRange $ Preceding (NumLit "5")) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c range current row)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] $ Just $ FrameFrom FrameRange Current) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c rows 5 following)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] $ Just $ FrameFrom FrameRows $ Following (NumLit "5")) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c range unbounded following)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] $ Just $ FrameFrom FrameRange UnboundedFollowing) ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c \n\ \range between 5 preceding and 5 following)" ,WindowApp [Name Nothing "sum"] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]] [Iden [Name Nothing "b"]] [SortSpec (Iden [Name Nothing "c"]) DirDefault NullsOrderDefault] $ Just $ FrameBetween FrameRange (Preceding (NumLit "5")) (Following (NumLit "5"))) ] parens :: TestItem parens = Group "parens" $ map (uncurry (TestScalarExpr ansi2011)) [("(a)", Parens (Iden [Name Nothing "a"])) ,("(a + b)", Parens (BinOp (Iden [Name Nothing "a"]) [Name Nothing "+"] (Iden [Name Nothing "b"]))) ] functionsWithReservedNames :: TestItem functionsWithReservedNames = Group "functionsWithReservedNames" $ map t ["abs" ,"char_length" ] where t fn = TestScalarExpr ansi2011 (fn <> "(a)") $ App [Name Nothing fn] [Iden [Name Nothing "a"]]