:toc: right :sectnums: :toclevels: 10 :source-highlighter: pygments = Release checklist Check the version in the cabal file - update it if it hasn't already been updated Update the changelog, use git diff or similar to try to avoid missing anything important run the tests generate the website: check the webpages appear nicely check all the tests are rendered on the example page check the examples on the main page to check if they need updating run cabal update, cabal outdated. cabal check update stack.yaml to latest lts, install latest stack, run stack build run the tests on the previous 2 ghcs' latest point releases, and the latest ghc, each with the latest cabal-install they support build the release tarball, run a test with an example using this tarball if there are any non trivial changes, upload a new wesbite upload candidate to hackage, run a test with example using this package if all good, release the candidate Todo: try to turn as much of this into a script, with a nice report as possible, order this list properly, say what you need to check in more detail, say what else you need to redo if any steps need actions