language: haskell dist: bionic addons: apt: sources: - deadsnakes - sourceline: 'ppa:hvr/ghc' git: depth: 5 cache: directories: - $HOME/.cabal/packages - $HOME/.cabal/store - $HOME/.cabal/bin branches: only: - master - travis_stuff cabal-install: - 3.2 cabal: - 3.2 ghc: - 8.10.1 - 8.8.3 - 8.6.5 - 8.4.4 install: - ghc --version - cabal --version - cabal update - cabal check - cabal outdated - cabal build --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks -fparserexe script: - cabal run test:Tests -- --hide-successes --ansi-tricks=false # todo: add making the website, this is good to check the entire set # of deps to be able to do this