
Quick tests for error messages, all the tests use the entire formatted
output of parse failures to compare, it's slightly fragile. Most of
the tests use a huge golden file which contains tons of parse error


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.ErrorMessages
    ) where

import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Parse
import qualified Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Lex as L
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestRunners
--import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Expectations
import Test.Hspec (it)
import Debug.Trace

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Test.Hspec.Golden

import qualified Text.RawString.QQ as R
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)

errorMessageTests :: TestItem
errorMessageTests = Group "error messages"
    [gp (parseQueryExpr ansi2011 "" Nothing) prettyError [R.r|

from t
order by 1,2,3 where

8 | order by 1,2,3 where
  |                ^^^^^
unexpected where
   ,gp (L.lexSQL ansi2011 False "" Nothing)  L.prettyError [R.r|
from t
order by 1,2,3 $@

8 | order by 1,2,3 $@
  |                ^
unexpected '$'
   ,let fn = "expected-parse-errors"
        got = generateParseResults parseErrorData
    in GoldenErrorTest fn parseErrorData $ it "parse error regressions" $ myGolden (T.unpack fn) got
    gp :: (Show a, HasCallStack) => (Text -> Either e a) -> (e -> Text) -> Text -> Text -> TestItem
    gp parse pret src err =
        GeneralParseFailTest src err $
           it (T.unpack src) $
           let f1 = parse src
               ex = shouldFailWith pret
               quickTrace =
                   case f1 of
                       Left f | pret f /= err ->
                            trace (T.unpack ("check\n[" <> pret f <>"]\n["<> err <> "]\n"))
                       _ -> id
           in quickTrace (f1 `ex` err)


-- golden parse error tests
myGolden :: String -> Text -> Golden Text
myGolden name actualOutput =
  Golden {
    output = actualOutput,
    encodePretty = show,
    writeToFile = T.writeFile,
    readFromFile = T.readFile,
    goldenFile = name </> "golden",
    actualFile = Just (name </> "actual"),
    failFirstTime = False

parseErrorData :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
parseErrorData =

generateParseResults :: [(Text,Text,Text)] -> Text
generateParseResults dat =
    let testLine (parser,dialect,src) =
            let d = case dialect of
                    "ansi2011" -> ansi2011
                    "postgres" -> postgres
                    "sqlserver" -> sqlserver
                    "mysql" -> mysql
                    "params" -> ansi2011{diAtIdentifier=True, diHashIdentifier= True}
                    "odbc" -> ansi2011{diOdbc=True}
                    _ -> error $ "unknown dialect: " <> T.unpack dialect
                res = case parser of
                        "queryExpr" ->
                            either prettyError (T.pack . ppShow)
                            $ parseQueryExpr d "" Nothing src
                        "scalarExpr" ->
                            either prettyError (T.pack . ppShow)
                            $ parseScalarExpr d "" Nothing src
                        "statement" ->
                            either prettyError (T.pack . ppShow)
                            $ parseStatement d "" Nothing src
                        _ -> error $ "unknown parser: " <> T.unpack parser
                -- prepend a newline to multi line fields, so they show
                -- nice in a diff in meld or similar
                resadj = if '\n' `T.elem` res
                         then T.cons '\n' res
                         else res
            in T.unlines [parser, dialect, src, resadj]
    in T.unlines $ map testLine dat

parseExampleStrings :: Text -> [Text]
parseExampleStrings = filter (not . T.null) . map T.strip . T.splitOn ";"

simpleExpressions1 :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
simpleExpressions1 =
    concat $ flip map (parseExampleStrings simpleExprData) $ \e ->
    [("scalarExpr", "ansi2011", e)
    ,("queryExpr", "ansi2011", "select " <> e)
    ,("queryExpr", "ansi2011", "select " <> e <> ",")
    ,("queryExpr", "ansi2011", "select " <> e <> " from")]
    simpleExprData = [R.r|
4 +
4 + from
(5 +
(5 + 6
(5 + from)
case a
case a when b c end
case a when b then c
case a else d end
case a from c end
case a when from then to end
/* blah
/* blah /* stuff */
/* *
/* /
mytype(4 '4';
count(* filter (where something > 5)
count(*) filter (where something > 5
count(*) filter (
sum(a over (order by b)
sum(a) over (order by b
sum(a) over (
rank(a,c within group (order by b)
rank(a,c) within group (order by b
rank(a,c) within group (
a >*
a >* b
( ( a
( ( a )
( ( a  + )

pgExprs :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
pgExprs = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("scalarExpr", "postgres", e)
  where src = [R.r|


sqlServerIden :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
sqlServerIden = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("scalarExpr", "sqlserver", e)
  where src = [R.r|


mysqliden :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
mysqliden = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("scalarExpr", "mysql", e)
  where src = [R.r|


paramvariations :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
paramvariations = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("scalarExpr", "params", e)
  where src = [R.r|


odbcexpr :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
odbcexpr = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("scalarExpr", "odbc", e)
  where src = [R.r|
{d '2000-01-01'
{fn CHARACTER_LENGTH(string_exp)


odbcqexpr :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
odbcqexpr = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("queryExpr", "odbc", e)
  where src = [R.r|
select * from {oj t1 left outer join t2 on expr


queryExprExamples :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
queryExprExamples = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("queryExpr", "ansi2011", e)
  where src = [R.r|
select a select
select a from t,
select a from t select
select a from t(a)
select a from (t
select a from (t having
select a from t a b
select a from t as
select a from t as having
select a from (1234)
select a from (1234
select a from a wrong join b
select a from a natural wrong join b
select a from a left wrong join b
select a from a left wrong join b
select a from a join b select
select a from a join b on select
select a from a join b on (1234
select a from a join b using(a
select a from a join b using(a,
select a from a join b using(a,)
select a from a join b using(1234
select a from t order no a
select a from t order by a where c
select 'test
select a as
select a as from t
select a as, 
select a,
select a, from t
select a as from
select a as from from
select a as from2 from
select a fromt
select a b fromt

select a from t u v
select a from t as
select a from t, 
select a from group by b
select a from t join group by a
select a from t join
select a from (@
select a from ()
select a from t left join u on
select a from t left join u on group by a
select a from t left join u using
select a from t left join u using (
select a from t left join u using (a
select a from t left join u using (a,
select a from (select a from)
select a from (select a

select a from t where
select a from t group by a having b where
select a from t where (a
select a from t where group by b

select a from t group by
select a from t group
select a from t group by a as
select a from t group by a,
select a from t group by order by
select a <<== b from t
select * as a
select t.* as a
select 3 + *
select case when * then 1 end
select (*)
select * from (select a
        from t
select * from (select a(stuff)
        from t

select *
     from (select a,b
           from t
           where a = 1
                 and b > a

select *
     from (select a,b
           from t
           where a = 1
                 and b > a
           from t)


statementParseErrorExamples :: [(Text,Text,Text)]
statementParseErrorExamples = flip map (parseExampleStrings src) $ \e ->
    ("statement", "ansi2011", e)
  where src = [R.r|
delete this
delete where 7
delete from where t
truncate nothing
truncate nothing nothing
truncate table from
truncate table t u
insert t select u
insert into t insert
insert into t (1,2)
insert into t(
insert into t(1
insert into t(a
insert into t(a,
insert into t(a,b)
insert into t(a,b) values
insert into t(a,b) values (
insert into t(a,b) values (1
insert into t(a,b) values (1,
insert into t(a,b) values (1,2) and stuff
update set 1
update t u
update t u v
update t set a
update t set a=
update t set a=1,
update t set a=1 where
update t set a=1 where 1 also
create table
create table t (
create table t (
create table t (
create table t (
create table t (
create table t
create table t. (
truncate table t.
drop table t. where
update t. set
delete from t. where
insert into t. values
with a as (select * from t
select 1
with a as (select * from t
with a as (
with a (
with as (select * from t)
select 1
with (select * from t) as a
select 1
