move exe example to examples/ get rid of the second example move tests to tests/ don't shadow show in Pretty
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29 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.CustomDialect (customDialectTests) where
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.TestTypes
customDialectTests :: TestItem
customDialectTests = Group "custom dialect tests" (map (uncurry ParseQueryExpr) passTests
++ map (uncurry ParseScalarExprFails) failTests )
failTests = [(ansi2011,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
,(ansi2011,"SELECT DATE")
,(dateApp,"SELECT DATE")
,(dateIden,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
-- show this never being allowed as an alias
,(ansi2011,"SELECT a date")
,(dateApp,"SELECT a date")
,(dateIden,"SELECT a date")
passTests = [(ansi2011,"SELECT a b")
,(noDateKeyword,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
,(noDateKeyword,"SELECT DATE")
,(dateApp,"SELECT DATE('2000-01-01')")
,(dateIden,"SELECT DATE")
noDateKeyword = ansi2011 {diKeywords = filter (/="date") (diKeywords ansi2011)}
dateIden = ansi2011 {diIdentifierKeywords = "date" : diIdentifierKeywords ansi2011}
dateApp = ansi2011 {diAppKeywords = "date" : diAppKeywords ansi2011}