454 lines
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454 lines
16 KiB
> module Tests (testData, runTests) where
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Pretty
> import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Parser
> import qualified Test.HUnit as H
> import Control.Monad
> import Tpch
> data TestItem = Group String [TestItem]
> | TestScalarExpr String ScalarExpr
> | TestQueryExpr String QueryExpr
> | ParseQueryExpr String
> deriving (Eq,Show)
> scalarExprParserTests :: TestItem
> scalarExprParserTests = Group "scalarExprParserTests"
> [literals
> ,identifiers
> ,star
> ,app
> ,caseexp
> ,operators
> ,parens
> ,subqueries
> ,aggregates
> ,windowFunctions
> ]
> literals :: TestItem
> literals = Group "literals" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("3", NumLit "3")
> ,("3.", NumLit "3.")
> ,("3.3", NumLit "3.3")
> ,(".3", NumLit ".3")
> ,("3.e3", NumLit "3.e3")
> ,("3.3e3", NumLit "3.3e3")
> ,(".3e3", NumLit ".3e3")
> ,("3e3", NumLit "3e3")
> ,("3e+3", NumLit "3e+3")
> ,("3e-3", NumLit "3e-3")
> ,("'string'", StringLit "string")
> ,("'1'", StringLit "1")
> ]
> identifiers :: TestItem
> identifiers = Group "identifiers" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("iden1", Iden "iden1")
> ,("t.a", Iden2 "t" "a")
> ]
> star :: TestItem
> star = Group "star" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("*", Star)
> ,("t.*", Star2 "t")
> ]
> app :: TestItem
> app = Group "app" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("f()", App "f" [])
> ,("f(a)", App "f" [Iden "a"])
> ,("f(a,b)", App "f" [Iden "a", Iden "b"])
> ]
> caseexp :: TestItem
> caseexp = Group "caseexp" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("case a when 1 then 2 end"
> ,Case (Just $ Iden "a") [(NumLit "1"
> ,NumLit "2")] Nothing)
> ,("case a when 1 then 2 when 3 then 4 end"
> ,Case (Just $ Iden "a") [(NumLit "1", NumLit "2")
> ,(NumLit "3", NumLit "4")] Nothing)
> ,("case a when 1 then 2 when 3 then 4 else 5 end"
> ,Case (Just $ Iden "a") [(NumLit "1", NumLit "2")
> ,(NumLit "3", NumLit "4")] (Just $ NumLit "5"))
> ,("case when a=1 then 2 when a=3 then 4 else 5 end"
> ,Case Nothing [(BinOp "=" (Iden "a") (NumLit "1"), NumLit "2")
> ,(BinOp "=" (Iden "a") (NumLit "3"), NumLit "4")]
> (Just $ NumLit "5"))
> ]
> operators :: TestItem
> operators = Group "operators"
> [binaryOperators
> ,unaryOperators
> ,casts
> ,miscOps]
> binaryOperators :: TestItem
> binaryOperators = Group "binaryOperators" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("a + b", BinOp "+" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> -- sanity check fixities
> -- todo: add more fixity checking
> {-,("a + b * c"
> ,Op "+" [Iden "a"
> ,Op "*" [Iden "b"
> ,Iden "c"]])
> ,("a * b + c"
> ,Op "+" [Op "*" [Iden "a", Iden "b"]
> ,Iden "c"])-}
> ]
> unaryOperators :: TestItem
> unaryOperators = Group "unaryOperators" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("not a", PrefixOp "not" $ Iden "a")
> ,("not not a", PrefixOp "not" $ PrefixOp "not" $ Iden "a")
> ,("+a", PrefixOp "+" $ Iden "a")
> ,("-a", PrefixOp "-" $ Iden "a")
> ]
> casts :: TestItem
> casts = Group "operators" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("cast('1' as int)"
> ,Cast (StringLit "1") $ TypeName "int")
> ,("int '3'"
> ,CastOp (TypeName "int") "3")
> ,("cast('1' as double precision)"
> ,Cast (StringLit "1") $ TypeName "double precision")
> ,("double precision '3'"
> ,CastOp (TypeName "double precision") "3")
> ]
> subqueries :: TestItem
> subqueries = Group "unaryOperators" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("exists (select a from t)", SubQueryExpr SqExists ms)
> ,("(select a from t)", SubQueryExpr SqSq ms)
> ,("a in (select a from t)"
> ,In True (Iden "a") (InQueryExpr ms))
> ,("a not in (select a from t)"
> ,In False (Iden "a") (InQueryExpr ms))
> ,("a > all (select a from t)"
> ,BinOp ">" (Iden "a") (SubQueryExpr SqAll ms))
> ,("a = some (select a from t)"
> ,BinOp "=" (Iden "a") (SubQueryExpr SqSome ms))
> ,("a <= any (select a from t)"
> ,BinOp "<=" (Iden "a") (SubQueryExpr SqAny ms))
> ]
> where
> ms = makeSelect
> {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> }
> miscOps :: TestItem
> miscOps = Group "unaryOperators" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("a in (1,2,3)"
> ,In True (Iden "a") $ InList $ map NumLit ["1","2","3"])
> ,("a between b and c", SpecialOp "between" [Iden "a"
> ,Iden "b"
> ,Iden "c"])
> ,("a not between b and c", SpecialOp "not between" [Iden "a"
> ,Iden "b"
> ,Iden "c"])
> ,("a is null", PostfixOp "is null" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is not null", PostfixOp "is not null" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is true", PostfixOp "is true" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is not true", PostfixOp "is not true" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is false", PostfixOp "is false" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is not false", PostfixOp "is not false" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is unknown", PostfixOp "is unknown" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is not unknown", PostfixOp "is not unknown" (Iden "a"))
> ,("a is distinct from b", BinOp "is distinct from" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> ,("a is not distinct from b", BinOp "is not distinct from" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> ,("a like b", BinOp "like" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> ,("a not like b", BinOp "not like" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> ,("a is similar to b", BinOp "is similar to" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> ,("a is not similar to b", BinOp "is not similar to" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> ,("a overlaps b", BinOp "overlaps" (Iden "a") (Iden "b"))
> --,("extract(day from t)", SpecialOp "extract" [Iden "day", Iden "t"])
> ]
> aggregates :: TestItem
> aggregates = Group "aggregates" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [{-("count(*)",NumLit "1")
> ,("sum(a order by a)",NumLit "1")
> ,("sum(all a)",NumLit "1")
> ,("count(distinct a)",NumLit "1")-}
> ]
> windowFunctions :: TestItem
> windowFunctions = Group "windowFunctions" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [{-("max(a) over ()", NumLit "1")
> ,("count(*) over ()", NumLit "1")
> ,("max(a) over (partition by b)", NumLit "1")
> ,("sum(a) over (order by b)", NumLit "1")
> ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c)", NumLit "1")
> ,("sum(a) over (partition by b order by c)", NumLit "1")
> -- todo: check order by options, add frames
> -}
> ]
> parens :: TestItem
> parens = Group "parens" $ map (uncurry TestScalarExpr)
> [("(a)", Parens (Iden "a"))
> ,("(a + b)", Parens (BinOp "+" (Iden "a") (Iden "b")))
> ]
> queryExprParserTests :: TestItem
> queryExprParserTests = Group "queryExprParserTests"
> [duplicates
> ,selectLists
> ,from
> ,whereClause
> ,groupByClause
> ,having
> ,orderBy
> ,limit
> ,combos
> ,fullQueries
> ]
> duplicates :: TestItem
> duplicates = Group "duplicates" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a from t" ,ms All)
> ,("select all a from t" ,ms All)
> ,("select distinct a from t", ms Distinct)
> ]
> where
> ms d = makeSelect
> {qeDuplicates = d
> ,qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]}
> selectLists :: TestItem
> selectLists = Group "selectLists" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select 1",
> makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,NumLit "1")]})
> ,("select a"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]})
> ,("select a,b"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")
> ,(Nothing,Iden "b")]})
> ,("select 1+2,3+4"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList =
> [(Nothing,BinOp "+" (NumLit "1") (NumLit "2"))
> ,(Nothing,BinOp "+" (NumLit "3") (NumLit "4"))]})
> ,("select a as a, /*comment*/ b as b"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Just "a", Iden "a")
> ,(Just "b", Iden "b")]})
> ,("select a a, b b"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Just "a", Iden "a")
> ,(Just "b", Iden "b")]})
> ]
> from :: TestItem
> from = Group "from" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a from t"
> ,ms [SimpleTableRef "t"])
> ,("select a from t,u"
> ,ms [SimpleTableRef "t", SimpleTableRef "u"])
> ,("select a from t inner join u on expr"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef Inner (SimpleTableRef "t") (SimpleTableRef "u")
> (Just $ JoinOn $ Iden "expr")])
> ,("select a from t left join u on expr"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef JLeft (SimpleTableRef "t") (SimpleTableRef "u")
> (Just $ JoinOn $ Iden "expr")])
> ,("select a from t right join u on expr"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef JRight (SimpleTableRef "t") (SimpleTableRef "u")
> (Just $ JoinOn $ Iden "expr")])
> ,("select a from t full join u on expr"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef Full (SimpleTableRef "t") (SimpleTableRef "u")
> (Just $ JoinOn $ Iden "expr")])
> ,("select a from t cross join u"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef Cross (SimpleTableRef "t")
> (SimpleTableRef "u") Nothing])
> ,("select a from t natural inner join u"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef Inner (SimpleTableRef "t") (SimpleTableRef "u")
> (Just JoinNatural)])
> ,("select a from t inner join u using(a,b)"
> ,ms [JoinTableRef Inner (SimpleTableRef "t") (SimpleTableRef "u")
> (Just $ JoinUsing ["a", "b"])])
> ,("select a from (select a from t)"
> ,ms [JoinQueryExpr $ ms [SimpleTableRef "t"]])
> ,("select a from t as u"
> ,ms [JoinAlias (SimpleTableRef "t") "u"])
> ,("select a from t u"
> ,ms [JoinAlias (SimpleTableRef "t") "u"])
> ,("select a from (t cross join u) as u"
> ,ms [JoinAlias (JoinParens $ JoinTableRef Cross (SimpleTableRef "t")
> (SimpleTableRef "u") Nothing) "u"])
> ]
> where
> ms f = makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]
> ,qeFrom = f}
> whereClause :: TestItem
> whereClause = Group "whereClause" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a from t where a = 5"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> ,qeWhere = Just $ BinOp "=" (Iden "a") (NumLit "5")})
> ]
> groupByClause :: TestItem
> groupByClause = Group "groupByClause" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a,sum(b) from t group by a"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing, Iden "a")
> ,(Nothing, App "sum" [Iden "b"])]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> ,qeGroupBy = [Iden "a"]
> })
> ,("select a,b,sum(c) from t group by a,b"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing, Iden "a")
> ,(Nothing, Iden "b")
> ,(Nothing, App "sum" [Iden "c"])]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> ,qeGroupBy = [Iden "a",Iden "b"]
> })
> ]
> having :: TestItem
> having = Group "having" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a,sum(b) from t group by a having sum(b) > 5"
> ,makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing, Iden "a")
> ,(Nothing, App "sum" [Iden "b"])]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> ,qeGroupBy = [Iden "a"]
> ,qeHaving = Just $ BinOp ">" (App "sum" [Iden "b"]) (NumLit "5")
> })
> ]
> orderBy :: TestItem
> orderBy = Group "orderBy" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a from t order by a"
> ,ms [(Iden "a", Asc)])
> ,("select a from t order by a, b"
> ,ms [(Iden "a", Asc), (Iden "b", Asc)])
> ,("select a from t order by a asc"
> ,ms [(Iden "a", Asc)])
> ,("select a from t order by a desc, b desc"
> ,ms [(Iden "a", Desc), (Iden "b", Desc)])
> ]
> where
> ms o = makeSelect {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> ,qeOrderBy = o}
> limit :: TestItem
> limit = Group "limit" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select a from t limit 10"
> ,ms (Just $ NumLit "10") Nothing)
> ,("select a from t limit 10 offset 10"
> ,ms (Just $ NumLit "10") (Just $ NumLit "10"))
> ]
> where
> ms l o = makeSelect
> {qeSelectList = [(Nothing,Iden "a")]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> ,qeLimit = l
> ,qeOffset = o}
> combos :: TestItem
> combos = Group "combos" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [{-("select a from t union select b from u"
> ,makeSelect)
> ,("select a from t intersect select b from u"
> ,makeSelect)
> ,("select a from t except select b from u"
> ,makeSelect)-}
> ]
> fullQueries :: TestItem
> fullQueries = Group "queries" $ map (uncurry TestQueryExpr)
> [("select count(*) from t"
> ,makeSelect
> {qeSelectList = [(Nothing, App "count" [Star])]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t"]
> }
> )
> ,("select a, sum(c+d) as s\n\
> \ from t,u\n\
> \ where a > 5\n\
> \ group by a\n\
> \ having count(1) > 5\n\
> \ order by s"
> ,makeSelect
> {qeSelectList = [(Nothing, Iden "a")
> ,(Just "s", App "sum" [BinOp "+" (Iden "c")
> (Iden "d")])]
> ,qeFrom = [SimpleTableRef "t", SimpleTableRef "u"]
> ,qeWhere = Just $ BinOp ">" (Iden "a") (NumLit "5")
> ,qeGroupBy = [Iden "a"]
> ,qeHaving = Just $ BinOp ">" (App "count" [NumLit "1"])
> (NumLit "5")
> ,qeOrderBy = [(Iden "s", Asc)]
> }
> )
> ]
> tpchTests :: TestItem
> tpchTests =
> Group "parse tpch"
> $ map (ParseQueryExpr . snd) tpchQueries
> testData :: TestItem
> testData =
> Group "parserTest"
> [scalarExprParserTests
> ,queryExprParserTests
> --,tpchTests
> ]
> runTests :: IO ()
> runTests = void $ H.runTestTT $ itemToTest testData
> itemToTest :: TestItem -> H.Test
> itemToTest (Group nm ts) =
> H.TestLabel nm $ H.TestList $ map itemToTest ts
> itemToTest (TestScalarExpr str expected) =
> toTest parseScalarExpr prettyScalarExpr str expected
> itemToTest (TestQueryExpr str expected) =
> toTest parseQueryExpr prettyQueryExpr str expected
> itemToTest (ParseQueryExpr str) =
> toPTest parseQueryExpr prettyQueryExpr str
> toTest :: (Eq a, Show a) =>
> (String -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> String -> Either ParseError a)
> -> (a -> String)
> -> String
> -> a
> -> H.Test
> toTest parser pp str expected = H.TestLabel str $ H.TestCase $ do
> let egot = parser "" Nothing str
> case egot of
> Left e -> H.assertFailure $ peFormattedError e
> Right got -> do
> H.assertEqual "" expected got
> let str' = pp got
> let egot' = parser "" Nothing str'
> case egot' of
> Left e' -> H.assertFailure $ "pp roundtrip " ++ peFormattedError e'
> Right got' -> H.assertEqual "pp roundtrip" expected got'
> toPTest :: (Eq a, Show a) =>
> (String -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> String -> Either ParseError a)
> -> (a -> String)
> -> String
> -> H.Test
> toPTest parser pp str = H.TestLabel str $ H.TestCase $ do
> let egot = parser "" Nothing str
> case egot of
> Left e -> H.assertFailure $ peFormattedError e
> Right got -> do
> let str' = pp got
> let egot' = parser "" Nothing str'
> case egot' of
> Left e' -> H.assertFailure $ "pp roundtrip " ++ peFormattedError e'
> Right _got' -> return ()