2019-12-05 18:17:05 +01:00
module Board
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
open FSharpPlus.Lens
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
module Side =
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
open Card.Card
2019-12-05 18:17:05 +01:00
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
type Side<'s> =
{ field: CardInstance<'s> option
monsters: CardInstance<'s> list
spells: CardInstance<'s> list
graveyard: CardInstance<'s> list
deck: CardInstance<'s> list }
2019-12-05 18:25:03 +01:00
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
module Side =
let inline field f side = f side.field <&> fun v -> { side with field = v }
let inline monsters f side = f side.monsters <&> fun v -> { side with monsters = v }
let inline spells f side = f side.spells <&> fun v -> { side with spells = v }
let inline graveyard f side = f side.graveyard <&> fun v -> { side with graveyard = v }
let inline deck f side = f side.deck <&> fun v -> { side with deck = v }
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
let emptySide =
{ field = None
monsters = []
spells = []
graveyard = []
deck = [] }
module Player =
open Side
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
open Card.Card
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
2019-12-07 18:56:20 +01:00
type PlayerState =
| InGame
| Won
| Lost of reason: string
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
type Player<'s> =
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
{ lifePoints: int
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
side: Side<'s>
hand: CardInstance<'s> list
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
state: PlayerState
id: int
lastInitialDraw: int }
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
module Player =
let inline lifePoints f player = f player.lifePoints <&> fun v -> { player with lifePoints = v }
let inline side f player = f player.side <&> fun v -> { player with side = v }
let inline hand f player = f player.hand <&> fun v -> { player with hand = v }
let inline state f player = f player.state <&> fun v -> { player with state = v }
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
let inline _id f player = f player.id <&> fun v -> { player with id = v }
let inline lastInitialDraw f player = f player.lastInitialDraw <&> fun v -> { player with lastInitialDraw = v }
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
let inline deck f player = (side << Side.deck) f player
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
let initialPlayer lp id =
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
{ lifePoints = lp
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
side = emptySide
2019-12-07 18:56:20 +01:00
hand = []
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
state = InGame
id = id
lastInitialDraw = -1 }
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
module Turn =
type Phase =
| Draw
| Standby
| Main1
| Battle
| Main2
| End
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
let nextPhase (turn, phase) =
match phase with
| Draw -> (turn, Standby)
| Standby -> (turn, Main1)
| Main1 -> (turn, Battle)
| Battle -> (turn, Main2)
| Main2 -> (turn, End)
| End -> (turn + 1, Draw)
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
module Board =
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
open Turn
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
open Card
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
open Player
2019-12-06 10:51:27 +01:00
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
type Player = Player.Player<Board>
and Board =
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
{ players: Player * Player
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
moment: int * Phase }
module Board =
let inline players f board = f board.players <&> fun v -> { board with players = v }
let inline moment f board = f board.moment <&> fun v -> { board with moment = v }
let inline turn f board = (moment << _1) f board
let inline phase f board = (moment << _2) f board
let inline currentPlayer f board =
if (view turn board) % 2 = 0 then (players << _2) f board
else (players << _1) f board
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
let inline currentPlayerId f board = (currentPlayer << Player._id) f board
let inline currentPlayerLastDraw f board = (currentPlayer << Player.lastInitialDraw) f board
let inline currentPlayerState f board = (currentPlayer << Player.state) f board
let inline currentPlayerDeck f board = (currentPlayer << Player.deck) f board
let inline currentPlayerHand f board = (currentPlayer << Player.hand) f board
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
type Card = Card.Card<Board>
type CardInstance = Card.CardInstance<Board>
type Effect = Effect.Effect<Board>
type Condition = Effect.Condition<Board>
type Action = Effect.Action<Board>
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
let emptyBoard =
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
{ players = (Player.initialPlayer 8000 0, Player.initialPlayer 8000 1)
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
moment = 0, Draw }
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
module Game =
open Turn
open Player
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
open Side
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
open Board
2019-12-09 10:44:05 +01:00
type PlayerAction =
| Pass
| NormalSummon
| InitialDraw
| Activate
| Set
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
type ClientCommand = Log of string
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
type ClientResult =
| Zone of int
| Bool of int
| NoResult
type Client = ClientCommand -> ClientResult
let isCurrentPlayer (board: Board) (player: Player) = (board ^. Board.currentPlayerId) = player.id
let canDrawCard (board: Board) (player: Player) =
isCurrentPlayer board player && board ^. Board.currentPlayerLastDraw <> board ^. Board.turn
&& board ^. Board.phase = Draw && board ^. Board.turn <> 0
let draw (board: Board) =
match board ^. Board.currentPlayerDeck with
| [] -> board |> Board.currentPlayerState .-> Lost "deckout"
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
| card :: deck ->
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
let hand = card :: (board ^. Board.currentPlayerHand)
let turn = board ^. Board.turn
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
|> Board.currentPlayerHand .-> hand
|> Board.currentPlayerDeck .-> deck
|> Board.currentPlayerLastDraw .-> turn
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
2019-12-09 13:20:39 +01:00
let toDeckBottom (card: CardInstance) (player: Player) = over Player.deck (fun d -> card :: d) player
2019-12-07 18:31:53 +01:00
2019-12-10 10:06:28 +01:00
let processAction (client: Client) (board: Board) (player: Player) (action: PlayerAction) =
match action with
| InitialDraw ->
if canDrawCard board player then
(draw board, true)
client <| Log "cannot draw card" |> ignore
(board, false)
| Pass ->
if isCurrentPlayer board player then (over Board.moment nextPhase board, true)
else (board, false)
| _ -> (board, true)